The Daleks are Coming

Apr 23, 2009 16:29

Nothing much has been happening of late, I'm still job hunting and getting fed up with it. Easter came and went woope de doo! The weather is quite nice and my apple trees have just come into bloom, the bottom of the garden smells heavenly.

The lawn desperately needs mowing, the cat was out there today stalking birds but as usual she's about as subtle as a tornado! So the birds stay in the trees and torment the life out of her while she sits on the grass at the bottom of the trees her tail impersonating a rota blade. On day I swear she will achieve lift off!

I have joined Galaxy Zoo, a web site that gets people to look at pictures of galaxy's and identify them. You don't need any knowledge of astronomy as the picture is put in front of you and you just have to answer questions. Some of the pictures just look like fuzzy blobs but others are just amazing, it is very humbling to see such things and wonder about how long it has taken to reach such shapes. I wonder why the galaxy's exist at all, you'd think that the stars would just be sprinkled across the universe.

The Daleks are coming, the daleks are coming, plus a Cyberman and an Ood. They will be in my local libray in may. It will be interesting.

I start a new course tomorrow, this is a continuation of the computer class I was doing before easter but is the next step up. It's the one good thing about being out of work (if there is a good thing), I was able to sign on for the course and not pay for it as I get dole money. If I like it enough I may sign up for more in september even though it will cost me money. Who knows I might get a job out of it you never know.

Victoria is on course for university in september, we are just finishing the student finance thing and choosing accomadation ready for september. I'm writing a little cook book for her as she is a funny thing when it comes to food and a standard book would be of no use. Luckily I found a couple of websites that will prints and bind the work into a proper book for me without it costing too much. I might just put together my few stories and such and see if I can get them made into a book, for me not for anyone else. But we shall see.

So my life in a nutshell is boring boring boring..........

dr who, books, work

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