Back again, like buses nothing for ages and then two come along at once. :) here's my list of things and why I like them chosen by hugo_weavingfg
1.Anita Blake
I got into her books by accident, on holiday with nothing to read I plundered the local bookshop and one of the books I bought was Guilty Pleasures. It's the kind of book I like to read on holiday not to demanding on remembering the plot or who did what.
This is easy I think William Peterson is yummy, not in the same way as Hugo but a hunk anyway.
Dragons call to me, I can't describe how but they do, I can't resist them at all. The house is full of them in all shapes and sizes from all parts of the world. But the Celtic Dragons are the ones with the stongest voices. It's my Welsh heritage I guess.
Elves come directly from Lord of the Rings and Elrond of course.
Until I met my hubby I belonged to the 'point and click' generation of picture takers, he showed me how to take better ones and bought me my first proper camera (I'm still using it). I have done a little bit of experimenting with filters and such but my eye sight is not what it could be so now I just take pictures. I try to be all 'arty' with them buy really I'm indiscriminate about what I take. Some results are good and some are not, but I enjoy it very much.
Tigers are just the most beautiful and reagl looking of all the cats. And are the only ones of the big cats who actually seek out water to cool off in. Watching Tigers on tv and watching Mitzi reminds me that the two are not really very far removed from each other.
As a student I studied film for a year and one of the genres that we studied was the horror movie, specifically vampire movies. I fell in love with Christopher Lee as Dracula.