Haha. Hi.
salvaje_ and I are doing live livejournal. Woah we're cool like that.
I realise I count my days by Tuesday dates and Thursday lunches. Although Elly is contemplating shifting everything to a Thursday, only I end at I think 4, while she ends at 1.
Tomorrow I get to meet susilo bambang yudhoyono!
Yes yes I just copied that off our convo because I couldn't spell it properly. Yudhoyono. Yudhoyono. Omg how does his secretary type???
I am going to try to sneak a sneaky paparazzi photo of him.
That is if his bodyguards don't haul me off.
Hahaha oh man this is quite fun and geeky and cool all at once.
And since my reputation is already down the drain I might as well say that I am damn happy now because I just downloaded a lot of Garden State icons. Hah.