Jan 07, 2008 23:44

Well, figured I should post here since I haven't for a wee while.

Christmas was a blast. I scored ALL my wants, hows that? *LOVES* her family & friends. Of course, my wants were fairly easily attainable via Amazon and a credit card, but for some reason my parents went insane and I scored most of the things on my wishlist! Sims 2 expansion packs, two Bogie and Bacall movies, The Big Sleep & Key Largo (I love 40's flicks, especially Ingrid Bergman and B&B :D) I also finally got Clear and Present Danger, which I loved since first seeing it and never (for some odd reason, probably my memory), never got around to getting, as well as Much Ado About Nothing (glorious cast & v. witty [I love Shakespeare]) and a book I've been hanging for, Boyos, which is set in Southie (south Boston) and is v. gritty. I also scored the X-Files Box set *squee* Mucho thanks to my baby brother for that! It contains All the seasons plus the movie tyvm. WooHoo! :D There are some other gifts that have been waylaid by the post (this caused much amusement for me and angst for poor Darren, who was the would-be gift giver) - but I think I made off pretty well already. I KNOW I'm forgetting something - but I guess it doesn't matter. No need to list every tiny thing, right? :)

As for New Year's, that too was a blast. My dad wasn't too well so my mum thought it best for us not to come up for it, which meant Sasha and I celebrated at her place! :D We had loads of fun party food, spring rolls, mini hot dogs and these Indian Korma treat things that honestly, were heaven on a stick. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Washing all that down was Mango Crush Rum, Champagne and West Coast Cooler :D We made cookies (see pix), watched various New Year's on CNN, Berlin and London being the best in our humble opinions, then, wait for it. We Simmed! LOL! We are party animalsssss! We heard a few fireworks around us but didn't see any. You'd be quick to think Ireland may be lame but to be fair, we live in what would probably be considered the country. If we'd truly wanted to see fireworks and gone on a pub crawl, Belfast and Dublin would be the spots for that :) After seeing most major European (and Australasian) cities ring in the new year, we then decided to hang in to see New York - which is 5am our time. That was no problem for me but I think a first for S who usually goes to be early-ish. Anyway, we had muchly fun! <3333 :D

What else? Ikea opened! *SQUEEE* The Belfast store is the first on the island of Ireland, and all anyone can say is: IT'S ABOUT FRACKING TIME! Who doesn't love Ikea?

If you frequent GJ, you may know that the main guy that runs the place, System, has finally thrown in the towel (the loser) and is directing people to open up accounts at InsaneJournal. This truly pisses me off b/c I <3 GJ. But for now, GJ will remain buggy and will only have 5 icons. How lame is that? Srsly. God forbid the guy hands it over to people who may actually give a shit. *furious* On a lighter note, reading the comments has been mildly entertaining. LOLcats are big there and there's some hysterical/cute ones as well non-cat related ones like this, my favorite for GJ:

Then there's this, for agreeing with many apt and well thought out comments:

Aren't they a riot?! :D I LOVVVEEEE that kitten WORD one. Sasha and I want it's little hat for Peaches!! :D (No way will Misty wear it lol!)

Oh, this reminds me - IT SNOWEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD We were all so stoked, well, apart from anyone who had to drive in it. It was 5 inches, I think, and cars skidded here there and everywhere. Even the police skidded into cars who'd already had accidents! Brian had to park down the road and walk the rest of the way home. Darren was trapped at his work (he's a chef) and considered sleeping at said work. But, it's an old place and people insist it's haunted *skeptical* and the owners weren't too pleased with him staying there so, he called a friend who had a 4WD to come take him to our place, where he stayed and gave me a heart attack at 8 the following morning. (He appeared from no-where and I was sleepy :P) Anywho, before teh drama of cars unable to go places, I was at S's and Misty and Peaches had never seen snow before and were both glued to the window trying to catch flakes. I suggested we take them outside to let them experience the snow, which we sort of did. We opened the back door and S went out, trying to encourage both kittens and assure them it was safe while I bravely watched them from inside :P Both kittens were very curious but Misty sort of stopped at the door, content to catch any flakes that blew in from there. Peaches, naturally, braved outside and got wet :D it was very, very cute!

I feel there's more to say but whereas before I had loads to tell, now I have nothing. Perhaps I've said it all. Or, perhaps I'm tired and can no longer think, which is entirely possible. Anyway, this is probably long enough. I will leave you with a pic of the cookies we baked, a gorgeous B&W pic S took the morning after the snow, and, of course, 2 kitten pix. One of M&P watching said snow and one absolutely hysterical one of Peaches.

We had two versions. Some were glazed icing, some butter :D We also did Christmas trees and *cough*fireworks*cough* Ok, the fireworks looked like lightning, but so what? :P

This is one of my favorite pix ever that S has taken. Isn't it lovely? More can be found here

Misty and Peaches watching teh snow. It's the first time they've ever seen it!

Zombie Peaches. S was throwing little paper balls for them to catch. It's their fave game. This time round, she took pix of it. More can be found here

Now, I go to Sim :x

gj, new year, kittens, snow

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