May 12, 2007 00:14
phillip: i'm glad you're here. i missed you.
me: i missed you too. but can you do me a favor?
phillip: whats that?
me: can you go get heather? :[
here's to freshman year. here's to making new friends. and keeping new friends. and falling in love with new friends. here's to being adventurous and living in new orleans. here's to going to awkward dinners with the entire 3rd floor. here's to eating bruff food everyday, and loving it. here's to learning how to study. here's to not studying. here's to roommates leaving. here's to making best friends. here's to learning our way around new orleans. here's to the jerky frat guys that we love to make fun of. here's to all the other boys we make fun of, and the girls. here's to walks to maple street. here's to drives to maple street and metairie. here's to decidng what to eat every night. here's to trying to talk to austin. here's to here's to waiting 45 minutes for chinese food. here's to sharing a bathroom with lots of other girls. here's to everyone being amazed at the amount of shoes i had and the amount of earrings heather had. here's to selena having to put up with brad in her room. here's to shela being so studious. and here's to cortney meeting ryan. here's to famous people coming to our school. here's to taking crazy classes. here's to lots of ice cream. here's to trick-or-treating. here's to looking younger than we really are. here's to's to running into really drunk people. here's to people watching in the library. here's to complaining about professors. here's to having 3 girls in one bed. here's to being attached at the hip. here's to phi sigma pi. here's to rush. here's to wearing rain boots because "when it rains it floods". here's to service freaking learning and crazy van drivers. here's to random weekend activities. here's to audobon park. and audobon zoo. here's to meeting boys that aren't jerks. here's to strawberry soda. here's to the bachelor. here's to crazy girls. here's to psycho people. here's to the UC. here's to porn. here's to newcomb. here's to new orleans. here's to picking roommates for next year. here's to mrs. tingle. here's to sleepovers. here's to staying up all night. here's to heather not being able to stay up all night. here's to facebok stalking. here's to heather's procrastination. here's to starbucks. here's to learning to live with people. here's long distance relationships. here's to crying on heather's shoulder and her crying on mine. here's to crying on selena's shoulder. here's to hearing selena talk about "jack". here's to nicole in 2 of my classes. here's to watching movies all the time. here's to laguna beach. here's to lots and lots and lots of music. here's to fresco's pizza. here's to clearview mall. here's to having a car. here's to having crazy prospies. here's to snowballs. here's to loudness. here's to deciding if he's gay or not. here's to deciding if he's in love with himself or not. here's to grades. here's to felipe's. here's to shela's future job. here's to mike's laundromat. here's to hickies. here's to alllll of our songs. here's to "i'm on fire". here's to "boston". here's to "the fray" and "hanson". here's to buying 6 dollar shirts. here's to carrollton. here's to peanut butter and jelly in bruff. here's to acting drunk when we don't even drink. here's to meeting my other half. here's to not exercising. here's to chick flicks. here's to packing up our rooms and pretending we weren't going anywhere. here's to sharing. here's to trying not to cry when we were saying goodbye. here's to lots of hugs. here's too it being waaaaaaay too cold in butler. here's to crazy fire drills. here's to le gourmet. here's to my quesadilla without queso. here's to my freshman year of college. it's over now.
i miss heather. a lot.
and everyone else.
here's to surviving for 3 months without everyone.