I asked a proxy to buy the DVD for me from the official website www.spinningbox.com (which... went down for me è__é ). You can still find it on yahoo auction though.
Ah the site is back now ^^ The original price is 4,990 yen (here, you have to scroll down a bit). There's also a pamplet (2000 yen) but I forgot to buy it so... T_T
Ah! Thank you so much @ u @ I'm sorry if I'm asking so many questions but how exactly did your proxy buy it for you? Like, did she buy it in an actual store or something? OTL
How'd you buy it omg I need this in my hands ;__________;
I asked a proxy to buy the DVD for me from the official website www.spinningbox.com (which... went down for me è__é ). You can still find it on yahoo auction though.
I'm sorry if I'm asking so many questions but how exactly did your proxy buy it for you? Like, did she buy it in an actual store or something? OTL
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