lol. It keeps going on and off so I can't download anything properly ;A; I managed to finish downloading Treasure Match Shitenhouji at 6 in the morning, at least Oshitari cousins's phone call was worth it. It was so damn funny!!! Their relationship is deeper than the manga. Their conversaion was like:
K: We have an amazing rookie in Kansai. Y: Our rookie in Kantou is more amazing!! K: Even yakuzas here fear him. Y: pfft. Our rookie came back from America. He's international. K: International? What kind of word are you saying? Tokyo reached your head. Btw, what happened to your accent? Y: My accent is just fine!! K: You are feeling lonely, aren't you? Y: Not at all. Wait a minute *puts the phone far away* snif snif K: What are you doing?! Y: Nothing. K: Wait a minute. *put the phone aside* ouahhhh snif snif Y: You are crying aren't you? K: Not at all, you were the one crying.
And so on, they're sooooo cuteeeeee <3 Even if I deeply lvoe OshiAto, Oshitari cousins killed me >///
Sans oublier qu'en plus de ça elle arrête pas de penser au gars qui a failli la kidnapper, l'a totalement harassé en lui léchant la main, et en disant des trucs du genre "kuso onna" ou alors "kusakute amai"... JE DÉTESTE MIKONO
Kagura dit des trucs trop bizarres, mais il est beau alors je lui pardonne xD
Non mais sérieux à part le premier + deuxième épisode de 40 min, dans tous les autres épisodes il faut qu'elle se mette en colère pour de la merde alors qu'elle-même ne fout rien de sa vie -____-
Comments 30
Welcome back :3
"Kinda works" does not sound that good, to be honest. Internet over there, get steady!! Now! >o
K: We have an amazing rookie in Kansai.
Y: Our rookie in Kantou is more amazing!!
K: Even yakuzas here fear him.
Y: pfft. Our rookie came back from America. He's international.
K: International? What kind of word are you saying? Tokyo reached your head. Btw, what happened to your accent?
Y: My accent is just fine!!
K: You are feeling lonely, aren't you?
Y: Not at all. Wait a minute *puts the phone far away* snif snif
K: What are you doing?!
Y: Nothing.
K: Wait a minute. *put the phone aside* ouahhhh snif snif
Y: You are crying aren't you?
K: Not at all, you were the one crying.
And so on, they're sooooo cuteeeeee <3 Even if I deeply lvoe OshiAto, Oshitari cousins killed me >///
Non mais sérieux à part le premier + deuxième épisode de 40 min, dans tous les autres épisodes il faut qu'elle se mette en colère pour de la merde alors qu'elle-même ne fout rien de sa vie -____-
Ah, I love that resident fujoshi. I really do. XDDDD I hope we get more of her and Cayenne/Shrade teasing <33
And I want to see more Jin too, he's so handsome!
Lol, those guys are sparkling XDD
Those guys are so much <3 They have a kind of love/hate relationship, the blond always says "my friend~~" and the other "I hate you shut up".
Is the other guy a tsundere or something XDD
Ahh, the fujoshi fangirling. Can't get enough of it. Simply can't. Any anime that has a fujoshi is an instant win. Must watch soon. Must. <3
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