Nov 21, 2004 19:33
okay so this weekend wasnt as bad as i thought it was gonna be in all honesty. last night jimmy came over after work, and i had to go try to calm down becky at this party she went to, but by the time i got there she was basically already passed out. then i came home and laid with him and we talked for a little bit. i think it was the first time he has had a serious conversation for more then like 2 minutes. lol..but yeh it was nice to just lay in his arms, and not worry bout anything, and feel safe. i love being able to actually lay in his arms and feel safe. i havent had that feeling in a really long time. :-D but we eventually fell asleep in each others arms, and the alarm he had set for 4 didnt go off, so he ended up leaving my house at 5:30. lol..and i felt really bad cuz he had to get up early for a soccer game this morning.
so this morning becky woke me up around 10 to get here car, and we talked bout last night and she decided to just stay here and hang out with me for a little while, and just as we both started to fall back to sleep, being it was mad early, jimmy walks in :-) nothing but smiles bout that one. cuz i thought he had a soccer game, then work so i didnt think i was gonna see him today. so we all talked a little more, then we all laid on the bed and laughed and joked around..and yeh well things got rather interesting ;-) (right guys??) lol, then becky went home, and stuff so me and jimmy hung out and watched friends and listened to music til like...3:15 then he got up and started to get ready for work :'( which makes me sad, but i'll have to leave. and im happy cuz i actually get to see him a lot this week. but yeh..i laid around for bout another hour or two after he left then becky called and said we could go out and do whatever. so i said SPA23 we went there, and i worked out for like 15 minutes, then we went in the steam room and whirl, then of course i had to go see my baby at work cuz i didnt get enough of him today ;-) i could NEVER get enough of him. so we sat behind friendlys eating motzerella sticks and joking and stuff. of course jimmy had me and becky putting on shows for every guy that worked in the place with him tonight, but thats and becky have fun with it ;-) lol...
in all honesty, idk what i would do without the two of them. i mean me and becky definately have our difference, and disagreements, but i would be really lost without them. i definately have the most fun when im out with the two of them..i mean its sad, how perfect me and jimmy are. we can finish each others sentences, and know exactly what the other person is thinking without having to say a word. and i love it :) and becky and me can joke and laugh at the dumbest things. i wouldnt be able to live without the two of them. i mean i love all of my friends but these two complete me. if i only had the two of them and no one else i'd still be able to live
anyway..this week is gonna rock!!! cuz tomorrow is school, then i get to see jimmy for a very short amount of time after school, but its a lot better then not seeing him at all. then i got a job interview at 8 then im gonna attempt to get my father to let me stay at beckys for the which case, jimmy is prolly gonna come over there for a little while after work and spend some time with me :-)
then tuesday, i got school(should be interesting right beckz??) then i get to chill with usual. but i gotta go to vernon to pick up mi madre, then i think me and jimmy are supposed to be going to the movies with some of his friends..not sure whats going on with that.
then wed. is only a half day of school, so i prolly get to see jimmy for a couple hours in there somewhere too...
then thursday i get to spend all day with him, cuz its thanksgiving, and i'll get mad time with him i guess this week makes up for not seeing him that much this weekend and stuff..cuz its perfect :-) i see him like everyday kinda sorta. lol oyyy!! ive been thinking a lot bout me and jimmy lately..NOT BAD THINKING BABY..cuz i know thats what u're gonna jump into..but good thinking. i mean at first i was really jealous, of certain people and what not, but now im not, cuz i totally trust him..he hasnt given me a reason not to. and yeh okay i'll admit im still a bit jealous sometimes, but thats just cause i care, and it shows it. and every girl is always a little cant say you're not. and if you do say you're not, then you just dont care enough. i mean i just laid in my bed last night and thought bout how much he means to me, and how i came soo close to losing him monday..and how much that would've sucked majorly. cuz i mean we're just too perfect together. and i'm all his..and thats the way its been for a while now, and thats the way its staying!!! i dont want anyone else..i dont need anyone else. i havent felt this way about someone since brian neill..and somehow if its possible..i think i might love him more..but anyway..enough with that word
im gonna go do some current events so i can pass history and make my baby proud of me ;-) hehe..