It's All About Real TV, not Real Life in the US

Jan 07, 2005 19:59

     Where has our curiosity gone? Where has the imagination to think out of the box disappeared to? Why have we, as Americans, let our guard down, simply slumping back, throwing our hands in the air, and going "whatever. I can't do anything, it's the way it is." What happened to critical thinking? To analytical thinking? To forming your own opinions based on fact, based on personal analysis. Why do we just eat whatever sound bite the television throws out before us? Why are we so damn apathetic? We have no strong opinions, we have no strong interests, we don't fight for what we want, we dont' speak up for what we feel is right. As we move into the 21st century, we are getting more close-minded, instead of opening up, developing, moving forward. Violence, gossip, sports entertain us; issues and the news do not concern us. Image is revered, intellect is belittled. Activism, dissent, debate, volunteerism, they require too much energy for us now. Too much commitment. We stay glued to the American Idol standings, or who got voted of the island. But real life doesn't seem to effect us, only real "tv". Our society is dying from an infection of socially astounding proportions. But we're too busy watching Entertainment Tonight to notice. And anyway, we have the customary "Support the Troops" ribbon on our cars, so we're doing are part.
     I wish I could say I was just being dramatic. But the sad, disconcerting, and ultimately frustrating thing is, there is a real problem, and it could very likely crumble our once great nation as we knew it.
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