Apr 04, 2021 17:46
Choir: Tabernacle
Conducting: Henry B. Eyring
Song: Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Prayer: Randy D. Follick, Seventy
Song: He Sent His Son
Dallin H. Oaks,
United States Constitution.
1. Source of Government power is the people. Does not mean mobs can intervene to force governmental actions.
2. Division of delegated power between the nation and it's individual states. Unless granted in writing in Constitution and amendments, power belongs to states.
3. Power divided among three branches of government. Independent powers to each one so they can check one another.
4. Cluster of vital guarantees of individual rights and specific limits on government rights - Bill of Rights. Allowed the restoration of the gospel.
5. We are to be governed by law and not individuals, and our loyalty to the system, not to the office holder.
These provisions block the autocratic presumptions of many other governments.
Despite these 5 divinely inspired parts of constitution, because of people who've held office, sometimes the intended work of the constitution hasn't taken place.
Liberty and self-government were the founding reasons of the constitution.
Trust in the Lord and be positive about this nation's future. Pray for the Lord to guide and bless all nations and their leaders.
Never assert that a "good" LDS member cannot be a member of a party or vote for a particular candidate. We do not teach or advocate in church meetings.
We reserve the right to endorse or argue against any legislative action which comes before the Congress.
Ronald A. Rasband,
Face to face from Goshen, Utah
Prayed for a miracle for meeting to happen. Pres. Nelson also prayed.
The Lord exerts the power of heaven for his people.
Faith precedes the miracle.
The Lord performs miracles to remind us of his power and his love for us.
Miracles do not happen on our timeline or in the way we have expected, necessarily.
Peace in the midst of confusion is a miracle.
Timothy J. Dykes,
Rappelling down cave.
Darkness must always recede before even a small light.
Compare to gospel light of Christ.
The holy ghost testifies of truth as long as you are on the covenant path.
Prayer, scriptures, acting on guidance from living prophets, etc., brings spiritual sunlight into your soul.
Darkness makes light shine brighter. Repentance brings more light to drive back darkness. Trust in the Lord and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Song: How Firm a Foundation
D. Todd Christofferson,
What is the covenant path? The path that leads to the kingdom of God. Baptism sets us on the path, then we press forward to the end, which extends beyond mortality, we receive all the covenants that pertain to salvation. Obedience to God's will is the overarching covenant.
Covenant path keeps us from making many errors - bypassing things that, even if popular, would harm us. Avoidable misery.
Covenants God offers bind us to him, and then we can overcome all things. We make a covenant with God and receive a covenant from God.
The gift from our father of the Holy Ghost gives us the power to maintain ourselves on the covenant path.
Forgiveness is on the covenant path, following repentance.
Singular blessings in divinely appointed gatherings. Prophecies of the gathering of Israel is found throughout the scriptures, and is taking place now. Every one of Heavenly Father's children deserves to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Weekly gathering - partake of sacrament - fast, pray, speak with one another concerning the welfare of our souls.
We also gather to the temple to obtain the blessings available only there.
In pursuing the covenant path, we inherit the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Alan R. Walker,
Truth is on earth once more - ongoing restoration throughout the earth.
God giveth to all men liberally. 1947 - 1 million 1963 - 2 million 1971- 3 million. Today very accelerated pace forward. Sacred ordinances and covenants are available throughout the earth. We gather Israel on both sides of the veil, and prepare the Earth for the second coming of Christ.
The crowning jewel of the restored gospel is the temple.
David A. Bednar,
Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves.
Doctrinally correct guideline to enable one to make correct choices. First three Articles of Faith are doctrines, 4th is a principle.
Word of Wisdom is a guideline principle.
Keep Sabbath day holy. Let God prevail.
Govern ourselves according to the principles we've been taught in conference.
President Russell M. Nelson,
Temple re-openings.
41 temples in construction.
21 started in 2020.
20 new temples announced.
Farmington, NM!
Choir: Let Us All Press ON
Closing Prayer: Sis. Sharon Eubank, 1st Couns. RS Presidency