Great Points From 189th General Conference, October 5-6, 2019

Oct 06, 2019 17:54

Saturday Morning Session

Jeffrey R. Holland

Luke story of the blind man on Jericho Road. Be surrounded by those who know the direction. The crowd knew it was Jesus's coming causing clamor and commotion. Conference commotion = fix our attention on Christ. Invite the spirit of him whose church this is.

What is the meaning of it all? The atoning gift of the Divine Son. Above all else, see the meaning of Jesus in the temple. Jesus is the center of our worship. "Jesus is my beloved son. Hear Him." Jesus coming to us, stopping beside us, ....

Terrence M. Vinson
Presidency of Seventy

Haggai. Futility of concentrating on those things that do not matter. Be committed to living the gospel.
"What we need here is less wifi and more Nephi." Parable of the fat lip - symbolized holding back - regrets. Parable of the broken jaw - symbolized giving his all - no regrets.

It isn't our successes, but our sacrifices and efforts that matter to the Lord. King Lamoni - half his kingdom for his life - all of his kingdom for the gospel.

Fair dickum (faire deecum) about the gospel. Not lukewarm. Consider your ways. Are we true followers of our Savior? Get Fair dickum now and feel the joy.

Stephen W. Owen
YM President

Modern technologies bless us in many ways, however they can also distract us from our connection with Heaven. It is relentless. The heavenly connection cannot be found on social media. The Lord knows about our challenges and through the leadership of President Nelson, he is preparing us.

Home-centered church = center of gospel living and learning. Remodel your home into a sanctuary of gospel principles. Combination of high love and high expectations. Never underestimate the strength that comes from gathering with others who are trying to live the gospel. Be Faithful, not faithless.

D. Todd Christopherson.

Enos (Lehi's grandson - son of Jacob) Enos's memory of his father speaking often of his joy in the saints. Joy has to do with the focus of our lives, not it's experiences. Joy of the saints = joy of becoming Christlike.

The commandments - we are looked upon by God as though we were in eternity. The commandments guide us around the potholes and dangers we don't see. We feel God's love more easily and more completely. "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love...."

If our faith is strong, when bad things happen, and they will, we'll be able to deal with them. Joy is a fruit of our service to one another. It is a gift for faithful saints who are enduring the cross of the world.

Michelle Craig
YW 1st Counselor

How can we tell when God is trying to tell us something? If it invites and entices to do good. Increase spiritual capacity to receive revelation. 1. Be intentional about making time and space to hear His voice. Quiet places, no tumult. Still small voice. 2. Act without delay when you receive prompting. 3. Get your errand from the Lord. Seek from Lord who needs help. 4. Believe and trust. Each of us has a mission to perform. We do them differently, but they all lead to Christ, if acted on in trust. Seek, receive, act.

Dale G. Renland,

Kinshasa Temple. Unwavering commitment to Christ required. Never go back on commitment. Leaving a course of action, directed by an old system, and adopting a new one based on Christ's atonement. Make the commitment part of who you are. Etch it in our hearts. The only way faith grows is for an individual to act in faith. We must choose faith-building actions. Covenants are manifestations of our conversion to the gospel of Christ.

Dallin H. Oaks,
1st Counselor, 1st Presidency

Questions about the spirit world. What do we really know?
1. Continue to live as spirits in the spirit world. Divided between wicked and righteous from this lift. Faithful teach the rebellious. The work of salvation goes forward, some repentance is possible there.
2. All in spirit world are in some form of bondage. 138 of Doctrine and Covenants: righteous look upon long absence of body as bondage. Peter referred to spiritual bondage for wicked - outer darkness.
3. Resurrection is guaranteed to all somewhere along the line.
4. Gospel is preached to wicked. Righteous must await rejoinings of spirit and body.
5. Very little else is taught in scriptures. Some visions are personal spiritual experience, but not official doctrine.
6. Abundant speculation in books and based on experiences of individuals.
7. Not every statement even by a church leader constitutes doctrine. One leader on one occasion is not official or binding for whole church. ~Christopherson
8. Doctrine is taught by ALL fifteen representatives, not hidden in one talk somewhere. ~
9. Teachings of prophets may be doctrine: King Follet Sermon - family members righteous will be together. At funeral - spirits of exalted together in spirit world and are often near us.
10. God loves his children and will surely do what is best for us. + Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. + Oh, Lord I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever - Nephi. Remember the Lord wants us to be happy.
11. The work of teaching and salvation goes on in the spirit world. The dead who repent will be redeemed through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God, and after the serve a penance will receive a reward with other children who are repentant.

Saturday Afternoon Session
What if those on the other side gather with us for earthly conference? What if my family is gathered here with me in my living room to hear the talks and teaching with me? What if yours is gathered with you where you are watching and listening?

Henry B. Eyring
Counselor, First Presidency

Sustaining of Prophet, Apostles, Seventies; Releases of Seventies and Area Seventies

David A. Bednar,

April, 1976, Spiritual Crocodiles, Packer. Learning behavior from African animals - cheetahs. Fastest land animals - up to 75 mph. Accelerate from standstill to 68 mph in less than 3 seconds. Predators sneak up on prey. Two cheetahs, one upright, one crouching low and advancing to distract and deceive Topis from danger. Older topis on termite mounds to watch for danger. Entire group of topies ran almost as cheetahs were ready to attack. Cheetahs didn't stop or take a break, but began their strategy all over on new location.

1. Beware of evil's beguiling disguises - cheetahs are sleek, aluring and attractive creatures. Spiritually dangers ideas can appear attractive and desirable. (Ex. Abortion described as a right, and we can see the adversary's deception if we are spiritually aware.)

2. Stay awake and be alert. A moment of inattention can invite attack. Spiritual thoughtlessness invites great danger into our lives. Nephi - all is well in Zion, and we are led carefully down to Hell. Be vigilant.

3. Understand the intent of the enemy. A cheetah is a predator, all day, every day. Satan intends to make us all miserable, like himself, all day, every day. Our savior works every day, every moment to bring us home safely. Spiritual safety lies in never taking the first step down the wrong path. Understanding the purpose of our enemy will help us defeat him. Satan uses the one thing we have, that he can never have, our bodies, to bring about our improper use of them, and our spiritual downfall.

Our daily lives are the basis for our own parables and understanding of the gospel. Take upon the whole armor of God.

Rubén V. Alliaud

The story of converstion is the story of how we are found. Luke 15 3 stories. Doesn't matter why they are lost, the return brings feeling of Joy.
The Book of Mormon conversion. His mother was a strong support, while not being a convert.

Pres. Russell M. Nelson,

Witnesses in temple. Procedural, not underlying doctrine changes. Enhances family participation in these ordinances. Help develop youth sacred personal potential. First presidency and twelve are in perfect accord on new changes.

Quentin L. Cook,

Changes for Aaronic priesthood. Ongoing restoration of the gospel. Smartphone contains amazing positive choices as well as increased temptations to mislead youth.

1. Curriculum strengthed and expanded to home.
2. New youth program to strengthen youth and become more self-responsible.
3. Organizational changes to make youth a more specific focus of the adults of church. Ward and stake levels.

Youth asked more responsibility at younger ages.

Purpose: To strengthen Aaronic priesthood holders Doctrine and Covenants 115: Bishop is president of Aaronic priesthood.

1. Young men presidencies discontinued at ward level. Capable adult YM advisers to be called to help Bishopric preside and bring youth more into full accountability for selves - core responsibilities. Place the power of the Aaronic priesthood at the center of youth's lives. Help them succeed in their own responsibilities.

2. Organizations, not auxiliary. Leaders are general officers, ward officers, stake officers. In place by Jan. 1, 2020.

3. Spiritual and organizational level to strengthen every man, woman, youth and child.

Develop greater faith and testimony, be better prepared to do all things.

Mark L. Pace,
Sunday School President

Talk on Come Follow Me changes and results. Home learning is supported by church now, instead of the other way around. 1 less hour of church on Sunday, 6 more days of spiritual learning at home.

L. Todd Budge,

Faith. Compare Brother of Jared talk with Lord. The only way to make it across the great deep is to put our trust in the Lord. It is not easy, but the Lord moves us where we need to go, even against hard odds. Give gratitude and praise, feel joy and blessings of the Lord, greater faith and greater trust to outlast the storms of life.

Jorge M. Alvarado,

Trusted in the Lord to go to the temple in spite of illness of child. Live according to the covenants we make, receive all the blessings promised. "Dispute not because you see not, for you receive no witness until the trial of your faith." Nephi

Follow the covenant path, and be strengthened in our trials. It is never too late to come back. Follow our own counsel. Walk faithfully, set example

Ronald A. Rasband,

Making and Keeping covenants. What are the dangers of cheating a little, slipping a little, walking away from our covenants? Keeping covenants is not a habit, it is a characteristic of a disciple of Christ.

Youth theme for 2020, Nephi's words - Go and do. Covenants are two-way promises. "If ye shall always remember me, ye shall have my spirit to be with you." "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."

Look at promises people made and kept in the scriptures. Invite to consider the promises and covenants you make, knowing your word is your bond, and the Lord will establish our words and sanction our deeds.

Saturday Evening Women's Session

Reyna Isabel Aburto
2nd Counselor Relief Society

Depression and other mental illnesses can happen to anyone. It is not a failure. Let us increase our compassion for those with situations we can't know. Love one another. Your struggles do not define you, but they may refine you.

Lisa L. Harkness,
1st Counselor, Primary

Names - we all share a name which helps us to move forward - Children of Christ. His name and work were known from the days of Adam and Eve. By remembering the Savior, we find strength to stand for truth and righteousness. The day is gone when I can be a quiet and comfortable Christian.

Bonnie H. Cordon,
YW President

Intro to young women. Alike in an important and eternal way - spirit daughters of heavenly parents.
Changes in YW program, effective immediately, but no later than January 1, 2020:

1. Gain unshakable faith in Jesus Christ and identiy as daughter of God. Revision of Young Women's Theme. Shift from We to I.
2. YW classes: Sanctuaries from the storms, secure places of belonging and identity. Immediately, organize according to ward circumstances. Young women are vital in building unity. Be the light. Be the source of love and care you hope to find. Your life will be filled with kindness and you will begin to see the goodness of others.
3. All classes referred to as young women.
4. Class presidencies. Every class should have one. Called to lead in your youth. Gather Israel. Adult leaders make the callig of class presidencies a priority. Be beside them to help develop skills and confidence to be leaders. Stay close, but don't take over. Mentor.

Depend on Holy Ghost. You are not alone.

Henry B. Eyring,
Counselor in First Presidency

Encourage you in the great service to which you are called. Called by Christ, when you were placed in mortality, in a place and time chosen for you by your Heavenly Father. Baptism covenant is a call from God to take upon yourself the name of Christ, keep his commandments, and to serve him. The service will be suited perfectly to each person, but we all share the call to serve others for him.

Bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. This is our work, too, to help our loved ones reach that goal. Mother, ministering sister, or other calling, we all have similar needs, similar requirements to fulfill tasks. All require preparation of a loving heart, fearless faith there is a way, and a desire to go and do for Heavenly Father. Be prepared to have the Holy Ghost as your constant companion, have faith in Jesus Christ.

Dallin H. Oaks,
Counselor in First Presidency

LGBT questions - Begin with loving the Lord and loving neighbor as self. Obeying commandments allows us to return to God and be as he is. Law of Marriage, Law of Chastity both apply to LGBT questions. Countries have changed their definitiion of marriage, but God has not changed his definition of either marriage or chastity.

Purpose of church is to prepare people for the highest destiny - exaltation. Abiding by God's laws keeps us safe as we progress toward exaltation, that is to become like God. Many we love do not believe in or choose to follow Law of Marriage and Law of Chastity.

We are ALL to be happy in God's kingdoms. Those lesser kingdoms are still more wonderful than mortals can comprehend. All the works of His hands are to be saved somewhere. LGBT should be treated with love, kindness and civility. We must never persecute those who chose to follow other paths. God will help each of us overcome our challenges, if we sincerely seek his help. We are all destined for a kingdom of Glory. The ultimate and final judgment will be conducted by the Lord.

Meanwhile, we must keep BOTH of the top commandments - love the Lord and love our neighbors. We can't compromise commandments, but also must show forth the love required of us. Hope, ultimate joy and blessings are given to all who follow commandments.

Russell M. Nelson,

Visted Harmony, thinking about Lord's message to Emma there. Lay aside the things of this world and seek for things of a better. "This is my voice unto all."

Restoration of preisthood is just as relevant to women as men. Covenant keeping women have as much access to spiritual treasures of the Lord as men, because of the restoration of the priesthood. Our access comes by virtue of our covenants, as well as the knowledge of how to access the priesthood power.

The Holy Ghost is a woman's personal tutor as we strive to understand what the Lord would have us do. It helps us understand God's priesthood power. It requires the same things the Lord instructed Emma to do in Section 25 of the Doctrine and Covenants, and see what the Holy Ghost will teach you.

Consecrating our lives to the Lord is a lifelong process. Every time we serve in the temple, we leave with the power of God and angels watching over us. If the world loses the rectitude of it's women, the world will never recover. Read sections 84 and 107.

166 temples now active. 8 new temples! Freetown, Sierra Leone; Orem, UT; Papua New Guinea; Benton, Arkansas; Philippines; McAllen, Texas; Guatamala; Taylorsville, Utah. Historic to announce them in the Women's session!

Sunday Morning Session

Gerrit W. Gong,

Heavenly Father hears our prayers. When we covenant all we are, we can become more than we are. The happy state of those who keep the commandments of God is to be blessed both temporally and spiritually ....

We may lose faith in God, but he never loses faith in us. As me becomes we, we ....

Cristina B. Franco,
2nd Couns. Primary

A perfect plan to accomplish God's purposes for his people. Satan is an enemy of God's plan. Agency is one of God's greatest gifts to his children.

The Lord needs us to gather Israel. We can do it.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf,

An ordinary Hobbit presented with an extraordinary opportunity. We are ordinary people presented with extraordinary opportunities. Our lives on earth are a great adventure, having left the comfort and security of God's presence. We would gain many treasures along this path, and would have a Savior to bring us home to those we love. The choice is ours to make. The risk made 1/3 of the spirits turn away from the adventure.

2. The journey of discipleship. Discipleship is not about doing things perfectly, but about doing things intentionally. The great test of the journey is to rise up and meet the challenges. The only way we can progress is to help others progress as well. It cannot be the kind of service that expects recognition or anything in return.

3. Take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. We do not hide or bury our faith. We talk about it in normal and natural ways. Because of Christ, everyone can return home and live with God. God has appeared in our day, we have a living prophet. Come and see. Come and help. Come and stay. Join with us, and you will make us better, and you will become better as well.

Now is the time to commit fully to seeking God, ministering to others, sharing our gospel message.

Walter F. Gonzales,

We find strength and comfort in this life by accepting His will and knowing he wants to bless us. Attitude of "Thy Will Be Done". He knows more, sees more than we. Hope is embodied by a Savior we can trust. We may be healed, or we may be strengthened to bear the burdens.

Gary E. Stevenson,

Children see things differently. Mistaken identity - presuming something to be what it isn't - can lead us away from truth. Satan has us question things as they really are, perhaps replace truth with something that appears more pleasing.

Moses' vision of God and learning he was a son of God. Satan came tempting him right after. "Who art thou? For behold I am a son of God ... Where is thy glory that I should worship thee? Get thee hence, Satan. Deceive me not." I know I am a child of God and will always call upon God for help. Satan always pretends to be something he is not.

Testifies of God's speaking to Joseph Smith and to Russell Nelson, as well as other prophets. Perilous times are offset with ... (restored times?)

Russell M. Nelson,

Thank you for living as true followers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Meetings with those of other religions have been filled with love and mutual support. The Lord's people are willing to share other's burdens and to live the first and second great commandments.

The church's humanitarian outreach was launched in 1984. LDS charities has provided more than $2 billion to help those in need throughout the world, with no restrictions on who receives help. We fast monthly to help those who are hungry. "We go hungry to help those who are hungry."

400,000 food order per year from storehouses, for members, plus bishops may use fast offerings if no storehouses. 1 in 9 of earth's inhabitants are hungry every day. Because of offerings of members, millions in the world receive more help.

Church has helped provide clean water in hundreds of communities in 76 countries. Helps refugees from religious persecution or from civil strife. 70,000,000 people are refugees. Church has helped in 56 countries, also volunteers help refugees make new homes. Millions of pounds of clothing donated to Deseret - most of it goes international. Vision care for more than 300,000 in 35 country, newborn care for thousands in 39 countries, and 50,000+ wheelchairs in dozens in countries. Small part of our growing humanitarian outreach.

Church is known for providing relief supplies and volunteer assistance - more than 100 last year around the world. Service is the essence of ministering. Communities and government leaders praising the efforts of the church humanitarian aid. Leaders have expressed hope that the church will become strong in their lands because they see that members contribute to strong communities and countries.

We are committed to help others. It is our joy. Living second great commandment is the key to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Testimony of truth of Christ and restored church.

Sunday Afternoon Session

Henry B. Eyring,
2nd Counselor, 1st Presidency

Personal Search for Happiness. Heavenly Father has a guaranteed offer of happiness. The Plan of Happiness. Only by faith in Christ, continuing repentance, and keeping covenants means we can claim our lasting happiness. Greater personal holiness leads to greater happiness. Humility, meekness and patience required.

First experience in the Salt Lake Temple - felt he had been there before. Still voice told him he had not, but was experiencing a memory of pre-mortal existence, when he was in a similar place, and felt happy that the Savior was about to enter.

Joseph Smith in Doctrine and Covenants in Liberty Jail. "Fear not what man can do."

"Experience the strengthening power of daily repentance." "The Lord does not expect perfection from us at this point, but he does expect us to become increasingly pure." ~Nelson

"With greater faith in our Savior" (Oaks) opens us to being more holy and pure. "More holiness give me" hymn. A gift granted over time by God, after all we can do.

Hans T. Boom,

You may feel that your part is small and unimportant. We are all needed to bring color to the world, and our sound makes all the difference in the whole. The way to the path is ministering, helping each other to find the way. We all know where we can do better, there is a need to be loved as we do it.

"What is to be done?" Pray for your role and God will reveal it over time. Love one another and help one another. Come and see. Come and stay. We were not sent here to fail, but to succeed gloriously.

M. Russell Ballard,

More fully appreciative of feeling such love that we weep for the loss of those we love. Realizing how much he depended on his wife for so many things. Memories of times when he sat next to her after work and watched, again, a musical with his wife, who had Alzheimer's bring him comfort. Live each day with the making of memories which will comfort in time of need. The word that comes to his mind now about the plan of Happiness is "reunion" - being reunited with generations of our families.

At 91, he wonders if he is ready, has he done everything he can to be prepared to hold his wife's hand again. How sweet is the assurance, how comforting the peace from the knowledge that if we marry right and continue right, our relationship will continue in the eternities.

Thankfully, we have eternally true gospel principles to help us live so we are prepared spiritually for the time when we die. The battle is between our spiritual natures and the natural man Satan tempts. "To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Our spirits are much older than our physical bodies, but we have choices to make here. We kept our first estate - we were strong children of God with spiritual roots in eternity. First, foremost and always a spiritual being. When we put the natural, physical above that spiritual nature, we are not learning to choose the things of the spirit over the things of the flesh.

"When we choose to repent, we choose to become more spiritual, more like Christ." Who is in charge of me? Slow down a bit, think about where you are in empowering your divine spiritual nature.

Peter M. Johnson,

We are children of God, created in the image of God, with a divine nature and destiny." You have the power to overcome the adversary, but Satan knows who you are, and uses the 3 Ds to overcome him.

deception - Moses, called son of man by Satan, right after God told him that he was a child of God
Satan wants us to forget who we are.

distraction - away from Christ and spiritual witness - social media can be a distraction or a wonderful tool.
Careful, not casual in our use of technology. Use it to grow closer to the Savior

discouragement - comparing ourselves to others, not living up to expectations, including our own. Don't give room to those. (Read the Book of Mormon each semester and it gave him strength, and confidence in his role to succeed)

How do we find peace, remember who we are and over come 3 Ds.

1. Love God with our heart, might, mind and strength. As we develop our love for them, our capacity to love ourselves and others increases.
2. Pray to the father every day, every day, every day. Feel the love of God and show our love to him. Submit our will to his.
3. Read and study the Book of Mormon every day, every day, every day. Study with question in mind, to receive revelation and answers.
4. Prayerfully partake of the sacrament every week, every week, every week. Sacrament is a holy and repeated invitation to repent sincerely and be renewed. The act of Sacrament doesn't remit sin, but out repentance does. Spiritual light is associated with the sacrament.

We will come to fully understand who we are as sons and daughters of God. +Testimony

Ulisses Soares,

"Whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, shal save it." ~Christ

Price to be paid for our salvation is to sacrifice all and bend our will to His. All of us need to open our minds and hearts to more fully understand the relevance of taking up our cross and follow him. Cast off all that is contrary of God's will, and keep his commandments.

There is always hope in God the Father, in the Atonement of Christ, and in the gospel, no matter our circumstances, if we abound in good works and are always accepting of God's will. In other words, trying to be more and more Christlike brings us closer to the Savior and he can free us from guilt, sorrow, and other effects of circumstances. Never give up in the ability to abandon sin, even after failure.

We are saved by grace after all we can do. The Savior's gift of grace comes whenever we are expending our own efforts. He will do for us what we are not capable of doing for ourselves. Forgive those who have hurt us, that our wounds may begin to heal and we can receive more of what he has for us.

Being humble and trusting is vital. God is aware of us and of our needs. His timing is different from ours. We need to trust the Lord enough to be still and know that He is God.

Neal L. Anderson,

Good fruit are things of eternal worth. Tree of Life vision. Symbolizes we embrace covenants when we eat the fruit. Staying true and faithful to the Lord, Jesus Christ, is still not easily done. The adversary is quadrupling his efforts to distract and deceive the children of God.

Don't allow questions, faithless friends, unfortunate mistakes and disappointments, questions of others, to bring your attention away from the truth and the gospel. Stay close to the tree. When the focus of our lives is on God's plan and Christ's gospel, we can feel joy regardless of the circumstances of our lives.

Russell M. Nelson

We need to be prepared to explain how temples work and how people can qualify for the blessings. "Holiness to the Lord. The House of the Lord." Requirements to enter temple are all about personal holiness.

Temple questions edited for clarity. Begins immediately. Requires individual spiritual preparation.

Spring 2020 - the first vision, 200 years. bicentennial year - GC will be different in April 2020. Prepare over the next six months. The Book of Mormon re-read. How would my life be different without it? Re-read the first vision in Pearl of Great Price. Immerse yourself in the glorious light of the restoration. Revelation continues and will continue until the great Jehovah says, "It is done."

general conference

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