Nikki Has a Job....What?

Aug 23, 2010 02:03

I haven't even mentioned this yet! I HAVE A JOB! How did this happen? I work with my wonderful friend Danielle (it's not really work when I'm with her, just goofing off haha). I scoop ice cream and get paid for it. Very nice. Good times ;)

I've had some "what if" questions in my head recently. I've had a lot of time to think and it's driving me crazy.

What if your fears and dreams existed in the same place?
What if to get to Heaven you had to brave Hell?
What if everything you ever wanted cost you everything you ever achieved?
Would you still?
Well, sometimes fears express themselves in dreams, which is called a nightmare, naturally. However, nightmares don't usually occur THAT often, so the thought of having them all the time would be horrid. Then again, dreams are nice to have, and I enjoy both the good and the bad ones. I would still dream.

"Braving Hell" doesn't sound like a fun thing to do (a pretty major turnoff, I'd say), but I'm sure everyone out there has their own "type" of Hell once or twice. And I naturally want to go to Heaven. I would still brave Hell.

This last "what if" is a toughie....but, if it was truly EVERYTHING I have EVER wanted in my entire life, then yes, I would give up everything I have ever achieved, because it would end up being worth it. I would still give up everything I achieved.

These are just my own opinions, and I do realize that not everyone will agree and/or understand my choices. It's a lot of battling back and forth to find out your own true answers, but it makes you learn more about yourself in the end.

It's late. I'm tired.

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