[The video clicks on, showing Lucy looking relatively impassive. However, anyone who knows her would know by the slight twitching of her eyebrow that she's actually mentally freaking out]
I don't know how secure this line is, but I've got to risk it. I haven't got the time to make it secure. Desmond, Rebecca, Shaun, if any of you are receiving
Read more... )
No way. That's...that's Lucy! She's here!
Please be aware that it takes him about ten whole minutes to come to this grand conclusion with huge wide eyes and his mouth hanging open but then he's grinning like a crazy person.]
Lucy! Holy shit you're here!
Leeeeeeans over his shoulder to look. ]
Hey, Luc'! Man, we got the whole gang here. AWESOME.
Really, man, you could've waited to turn the video on until after your brain started functioning at a normal pace. However when he finally talks, Lucy smiles a little, despite how uneasy this place is making her]
Yeah. Guess so. I'm glad you're okay.
[OH AND THERE'S REBECCA. Lucy's smile gets a little bigger]
And Rebecca too! So I'm guessing Shaun's here too? That's a relief.
[Well sorry but he was excited to see you after the influx of Italians and a Templar. Clearly this short-circuited his brain.]
And yes, Shaun is here, he's in a different building to us though.
Well she's here, I guess that counts for something. So long as Vidic isn't running around, I think we're still in the clear.
Yeah, Shaun'll flip when we tell him you're here though.
[Which is, you know, code for 'totally not fine.']
Right, so uh. What is here, exactly?
It's called the Isola Di Sorte. There's some problem with our timeline.
[He's blaming Altaïr. He's sure others are too.]
Yeah, that's about it. Apparently we have to figure out some way to fix it, other than that we're not really sure. Glad you're here though, we were getting worried.
[ ditto. ]
[problem-solving Lucy time!]
[He gives a look at Rebecca because y'know, research isn't his thing. And she can probably make the whole 'turning into kids thing' sound funnier than him.]
Okay so, Luc', get this. Like a week ago, you ready for this? It's ridiculous. Desmond, Shaun and I got turned into kids. [ along with Altair and everyone else, BUT THAT WILL COME LATER. ] I have NO IDEA how it happened, but it was SO HILARIOUS. Shaun was such a nerd when he was younger, and Desmond was climbing walls and everything. [ HERPDERP GRIN. ]
But aside from THAT, we haven't gotten any clues on this place. If that even counts.
...This is just some insane dream I'm having as a result of not sleeping and too much chinese, right?
[Sincere grin. No he is not insane. Although that is debatable, bleeding effect and all.]
Unless we're all having the same crazy dream, 'fraid not.
[Lucy smiles a little at the camera before getting up and going to the door, checking out the number on the other side. she reappears a second later.]
I'm in DC2.
[It's not quite clear who Desmond is talking to at that moment; it could be himself, it could be Lucy or Rebecca.]
You want us to come up and meet you?
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