Spn ideas, Season Two and introductions

Oct 04, 2006 20:04

Hello all, I'm Bree and I'm a Supernatural Addict.

Deeply and Truly I am, in every way. And if your a Supernatural addict you've more than likely read almost every fanfic ever written and can name at least ten billion stories that you are convinced Kripke himself has written or somewhere damn near close. I attempt fanfic too, I'm one of those idea type people that have so many ideas but just have trouble putting everything into the right words. When I do succeed in doing this, its like magic, or so I'm sort of told. If you have a cure for this please tell me, I am sure that I can do really amazing if I tried and got organized.

Unfortunately I know nothing about anything of how to make icons and anything and as an addict I seriously want to learn. If anyone can be patient and kind enough ot attempt to teach me, you will be amazingly loved.

I am sooo looking for people in the same situation I am, you know the stay up all night reading fanfic to try to calm down your new obsession a little bit. I swear there are not words to describe my love for this show and there are about 1 million screaming girls out there who agree with me. So if you are an overly obsessed person in the same situation I am, drop me a line will you? We'll talk.

Not that I think anyone will actaully read this anyway. I mean, what there are like a gazillion other journals on here, especailly Supernaturally obsessed ones, what makes this different. And I have no answer to that, but hopefully once I shag ass and write some of my magic fanfic that'll get peoples attention.

Which brings me to my next line of buisness.

Holy moly....I read a thingy about how this person wanted all these different things on Supernatural for Season Two to make all of us fangirls scream like a banshee.

And well it got me thinking....what if, we, us Supernaturally obsessed fangirls and yes guys got together and wrote a season two of what we wanted to see. Then we can compare it to the actually season and if any of us come up with stuff that was actually on the show we know for one that one of the writers pays attention to fanfic and that we're psychic, just like Sammy.

So tell me what you think! I think it'll be hott! I mean come on, who here hasn't read a fanfic and thought, holy shit that could have been an episode and damn I want it to be! So here's are chance Fangirls and guys to show what we can do and make use of all the times a day we think about Dean and Sammy Winchester.

my idea

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