Stuff dump! Wrestling icons, and a meme.

Mar 08, 2010 15:22

So I haven't posted in ages because I've been off in RL. Everything is fine, life is groovy, etc etc, no worries. However, I'm here because I have some stuff!

Guys, guys, check out all these nifty wrestling icons Koi made for me! )

me, icons, meme, awesome, good things, wrestling, i love the world

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nephthys_abode March 9 2010, 00:20:19 UTC
That Kane icon is officially freakin' Made. Of. Win!!

Koi wins the internetz for that one, and I am going to steal it and pet it and call it George and credit appropriately!!

Interesting that you've got both Abyss and Kane there, because the facial expressiveness thing is one of my favourite parts of wrestling, and Abyss is brilliant at it for a guy who has his face mostly covered by a mask. In the same way Kane used to be able to speak volumes with just a headtilt or a stare with his whole face covered.

As Glenn Jacobs said in an interview once, he looked forward to taking the mask off so that he could be better at telling the story using facial expressions. And oh man, yeah, he is!

Then again, he's also the very devil for mouthing off to opponents and he enunciates so beautifully it's easy to lipread! Or maybe it's just my big screen TV. Or maybe it's just that I'm spellbound by the man whenever he's on the screen and I pay obsessive attention to his every move!

Or maybe it's because when Drew McIntyre was blathering on about how he was going to win the qualifying match and go on to win Money In The Bank and "fulfil the prophecy", I was immensely amused by Kane's "comments". To whit: words to the effect of "you'll have to go through me" and then, and this is a direct quote, "We'll see about that." Accompanied by a smirk.

Which was insanely hot!


Okay, I'm good now! ;-)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled flist!


faithinfire March 9 2010, 05:43:14 UTC
Heh, I had a feeling you'd want the Kane icon! Was totally thinking of you when I posted that. ^_^ *hugs and love!*


koilungfish March 9 2010, 21:57:33 UTC
Koi wins the internetz for that one, and I am going to steal it and pet it and call it George and credit appropriately!!
You're going to steal me? O-o

Glad you like it though, although it feels kinda lopsided for you to have a Kane one without a matching Undertaker one ... I wonder what I could do ... hmm hmm mhmm ¬vvvvv¬


nephthys_abode March 9 2010, 23:05:51 UTC
. . .

Matching 'Taker?


Would it be inappropriate of me to beg? ;-)


faithinfire March 9 2010, 23:43:32 UTC
Clearly the 'Taker one needs to be the "Ya Rly" one, amirite? *grins and encourages Koi!*


koilungfish March 10 2010, 12:19:25 UTC
Well, I'm trying to think of a suitable "Ya Rly" expression of the Undertaker's and failing, so unless you can point one out to me I might be stuck there ...


koilungfish March 10 2010, 12:20:21 UTC
No, but it might be more helpful if you could point out a particular expression of his that you'd like an icon for. Otherwise you're probably going to get the "I'm going to eat your bone marrow" grin from when he was breaking out of the Walls of Jericho at Elimination Chamber.


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