[I was just writing this post and it passingly occurred to me to look a certain something up. And I am now adding this first bit at the top because OH MY GODS.]
I just realised WWE Summerslam is going to be screened in this country ON MY BIRTHDAY. And,
THIS. [Major WWE spoiler behind this link!]
...er, happy birthday to me. O_O This had so better be true, because I am absolutely incoherent now. Dying here. Dying. Seriously. ^______^
But! In other news -
oml404, you shall go to the ball, cos I've just got our tickets for the Paradise Lost/Anathema/My Dying Bride gig on September 19th! I've also just treated myself to something small, but very special, off Amazon - but ssh, that's a surprise. Mostly because it's something so impossible to get as a rule that I'm refusing to believe it exists until it's actually in my paws.
Man, you can tell it's payday, can't you? Not to mention that I'm in a bit of a holiday mood, since this is my last day at Job #1 for a week (technically it was supposed to be my last day at Job #2 full stop, but they're going to need me to clear up some stuff on Monday, sigh). HOWEVER! The point is, that for the majority of next week, I am off work. I intend to eat a lot of junk food, watch some of my backlog of unviewed movies, stay up till N o'clock in the morning and sleep until mid-afternoon, and play as many videogames as I can physically stand (my recent ultra-busy lifestyle has cost me most of my hobbies, and I really, really miss gaming). Oh, and do some writing.
And if anyone I haven't seen in a while fancies coffee/pub/movie night while I'm available, do let me know! ^_^
Love and laters,