
Feb 04, 2009 10:39

So I got into WUS last night to find ironlord wallpapering the venue with "Iron Maiden Needs You!" posters. I know some truly awesome people. ^_^

Meanwhile, I'm about to have some interesting financial difficulties - thank you, global recession, I don't think so - and with usual cosmic irony this is just in time for me getting my tattoo finished today. I suppose I should be glad I'd paid for most of the work BEFORE rather than AFTER the part where things went kerphooey. >.> Still, I still have a job, and I've just spent last week and this one mostly lifting boxes around the place. I can feel my abs getting stronger already.

I'm trying to post more in here (as you may be able to tell) but I'm not sure how many people actually care, or what you want to see if you are reading! Reviews? Rambling about my life? Memes? (If nobody comments I'll just assume none of you care, and default to posting about heavy metal and WWE for my own amusement... you have been warned...)


awesome, work, friends, iron maiden, me, audience participation, clubbing, tattoos

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