I just sent in a requisition to the nice people at
ShirtySomething for some new T-shirts for F&F. Having carefully followed all their directions about submitting orders, I just got back... this.
"Thanks for your order; I've attached your invoice, the deadline is no problem. Our bank details are on the invoice.
It may (or may not) interest you to know that we were so astonished to receive an order that, at the first attempt, contained all the information we require, correctly-formatted artwork, correctly-calculated costs, and a non-ridiculous deadline, that we were 100% certain that you had to be a) female and b) the bass player. A quick perusal of your website has confirmed our suspicions, much to the general delight of the four bass players and/or females amongst us!"
I... honestly have nothing to add to that except that I am grinning from here to here, where one end of "here" is Cambridge and the other is somewhere in the Midwest. ^____________^
Edit: This is all the better if you know that one-half of ShirtySomething's core duo used to be, randomly enough, the bassist of Sabbat. How cool is that?