Stockholm the most beauitful town on earth!

Nov 11, 2008 09:26

I recently went on a trip to Stockholm and an event that our church had. It was about how to take care of churches and old houses and stuff like that. It was a very interesting and nice event and I just had to write a few thoughts about it, so if you're not already bored, continue to read behind the cut. :)

Before you continue to read, there's one thing you need to know, and that is that I'm kind of obsessed with Stockholm. I love that town so much. Love everything about it. The people, the city shape, the pulse -- everything. In Sweden it's kind of a constant battle between Goteborg and Stockholm and most people claimes Goteborg is a lot nicer-- especially the people. I couldn't disagree more! I've been spending a lot of time in both cities over the years, and in my experience, people in Gotenburg is a lot less friendly and nice. Actually, I haven't been anywhere in Sweden where they are less nice! But who knows, it might be me. *shrug*

Anyway, I took the train early in the morning. (I always takes the train. I love trains almost as much as Stockholm and it's good for the ,enviorment right?) And the train ride went very smoothly with no delays. :D Although, I'll have to admit I was a bit  disappointed,that the mist over the town that day robbed me of my favorite view of Stockholm. :( Then I had to move on by subway, which always makes me a bit nervous, because I'm from a little town and OMG! there are sooooooo many people in the subway! But all of them was nice, pointed me in the right direction and I got on the right train. :D When I came to the right station I went up over the ground and thought, "Easy to find, only two minutes away from the subway station, my ass!" LOL But I went inside a little bakery and asked for directions and the guy working there was just as nice as he was good looking and he pointed me in the right direction in no time. :D And gave me a bun because "my smile had lit up the whole shop" *blush* He was probably on crack, because,  Dude! I'm fat and almost forty years old ! But it still made my day. *happy sigh*

So, seven minutes later I arrived in a magnificent,  building harboring the conference center. After registration you got to drink, tea or coffee and great sandwiches. :) And I met three very nice people right away! The day looked very promising. As it went by, I learned a few things. Like that they had great food, that some speakers are boring as hell even though the subject is interesting, that some people thinks that women don't belong in conferances about buildings, that some thinks women don't belong in church at all, unless they are visitors, that some people thinks it's okay to fall asleep while they are listening and that I'm more interested in this subject that I could ever imagine. :D

At the end of the day, I took the subway, to my hotel, which was an adventure in it's self. Seriously, what's wrong with numbers on the buildings? But I got there and my room was great and the bed. OMG! I slept like a log. but before I did that, we had dinner at a nice restuarant and I had a great time, but the food... *shudders* I'm pretty sure the cow had died from age.

The next days was filled with more great information and food, a mix of very nice and less nice people. Well back at the railway station I came close to end up on the totally wrong train because again OMG! Where did all those people come from? and none of them were going my way, which meant I was kind of floating down the stream unable to break loose LOL But on the train home, I finally got tos see the city in all it's glory. It's magnificent,in the dark, too. *happy sigh*

So of course I'll be back! Stockholm is a great place to be. It even has a high school called Jensen! :)  


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