Everyone is updating their LJ with end of the year madness, meanwhile I would prefer to think I am still in 2012. or actually in a continuous space where the year just spreads out like a long road.
Why you ask? oh the laundry list is exhaustive. not really. I'm personally and profoundly in hate with New Years. I have never once cared about that ball and the droppage and the whole hoopla. This has to do with the fact that I find it a nostalgic time which makes me wander around, arms dragging on the floor as a complete and utter MOPE R. Which is a word...apparently...there is no red underline..
To be honest. 2012 was a very difficult year for me. One of the hardest I have ever experienced. Thankfully, God has been present or I might have jumped off a bridge. (you may take that literally, figuratively, with pb and j....whatever.)
Now I know that people give all their credit in these communities to some Idol who has helped them through something tough....I can't do that. I'm not bashing anyone but as much as I love kame and Kat-tun I don't worship them. I am thankful for their distraction though, quite thankful. But what am I truly THANKFUL for? God. A God who cares about my wakings and sleepings(yes that is not a word), and my sleepwalkings...etc. Talking about faith may not appeal to you masses. but God is present. I don't have a new years resolution....I have a prayer though. That all my friends, and family (and yes even my jpop celebs) would know God's love this year.
So I made a gif of Kame and his cuteness. Because it is cute.
and yes. I have no idea what I am doing in the Gif making department. Congrats. to me. for being a gif making fail.