We had sleet all day. My son was so excited about something white on the ground he went out sledding on the sleet.
This isn't snow. These are little ice pebbles. What was strange was it wasn't slick to walk on at all. It stayed separate little pieces instead of packing like snow. After it snowed this evening I tried to take a picture and slid.
Our car this afternoon covered with sleet and the sleet still coming down.
Me and my son. It is rare to get a picture with us with a white background.
My husband was mainly interested in getting the ice off the car.
However, he did have some fun with Z and the sled first.
The sleet on the deck table yesterday.
Our table on the deck with real snow tonight.
Hours later our car with SNOW!
At least there isn't as much ice under the snow now.
The snow coming down this evening.
Of course this made my son's day. He has been waiting for snow since last October and we finally got some and it is still coming down.
He wants to make plans to go sledding at the park with the best hills in town tomorrow because it may all be melting and gone on Thursday. We just listened to the weather forecast.
That is the way weather goes in MO.