I saw Tony Orlando and the Lenin Sisters in Branson yesterday - My Review

Nov 21, 2008 13:57

Some of this is a repeat of what I posted yesterday but I filled in the blanks.

What a busy day it was!
I had won tickets from KSGF to go and see the Tony Orlando Christmas show in Branson and yesterday was the day.
B had taken off work but decided he'd like some quiet time with his laptop at a wifi spot so Z and I went to see the show.

I liked parts of it and others I was just bored.
Tony was a little hoarse on his high notes but did have a lot of stage personality.  It wasn't completely a Christmas show.  He did sing all of his old hits starting by saying, "This song made Christmas under the tree possible that year."    He did a salute to veterans that was pretty neat and had veterans from different wars stand to be acknowledged.  The last part he picked someone from the audience who looked like Santa and said he was Santa.   This Santa later came back and sang and they interacted and sang some together.  They did make a big point about the real reason for the season of Christmas being the birth of Jesus.  During the Christmas songs Tony sat down with a music stand to sing the Christmas songs. Tony did mention a lot of times that he was 64.

At one point my 12 year old son leaned over to me and whispered, "Why was this guy someone everyone really liked?  I don't get it."  So I talked to him about being a young person and the music and the way I remembered him.  After the show I showed him a picture on display of the way I remember Tony with long hair down to his shoulders and those skin tight leather pants.  He doesn't look like that anymore.

Let me just say this; the memory of 'knock 3 times' from when I was really young was much better than the reality of hearing it yesterday. Maybe some things need to stay nice memories?

I think the whole show was geared toward someone who was 20 years older than me when it comes right down to it.  My son and I were the youngest people in the audience by far.

The Lenin Sisters were also on the program and they were fun.  I especially liked the times they showed pictures of them from years ago and clips from the different shows they did.  But golly, the music they said they wanted to sing and weren't allowed to on the Lawrence Welk show all those years ago were hits before I was even listening to any kind of music.

Honestly I am glad the tickets were free today. The show we saw a couple of weeks ago with the Haygoods (http://www.thehaygoods.com/) was much better and the music was much more contemporary and enjoyable to me.  Of course the oldest person in that show is about 30 and the youngest 15.

We did eat at the Hard Luck Diner on 76 and that was a lot of fun. The waiters take turns singing with a mike going up and down the aisles between serving the food. One girl came and sang part of 2 songs to Z and boy did he turn red and get embarrassed! The 2nd time she commented on it over the mike! It was great fun and the food was pretty good, we got a lot for what we paid.  Z especially enjoyed the orange dreamsicle shake.  They even brought the silver container it mixed in so he'd have all of it to drink and we had to bring it home.

music, christmas, tony orlando, live shows, hard luck cafe, linen sisters, christmas shows, branson

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