Misty posted recently about writing about 8 personal random things. It's been preying on my mind.
...8 personal, random things?
1. My new book is out -- new age fantasy, or dark urban fantasy, take your pick. Seraphs, book two in the Rogue Mage series. It makes my stomach hurt to think about it.
2. I just lost my editor. She went to another house and I'm orphaned. Again. Sigh...
3. I own orchids. Two of mine are in bloom and are stunning. And thanks to the gift of a friend, I have flowers all over the house this week. It is wonderful!
4. I want a pair of shiny gold boots and a new necklace to go with them. I'll make the necklace, natch, but not the boots.
5. The love of my life, Ren, remakes himself every 5 to 7 years and I follow along to see who he will be next. Right now he's a publisher. Not publishign me, but doing great work for other writers.
6. I read urban fantasy, dark fantasy, and paranormal fiction, along with hard sifi -- battle scenes all welcome. Waiting for the new Vorkosigan novel by Lois McMaster Bujold. And the new Honor Harrington book. Yummy.
7. I love doggerel -- campy-ier the better. I just posted one on MySpace and on my Yahoo! site that invaded my head and demanded to be put down for posterity.
8. I love being a writer more than almost anything. It is one of the three the greatest gifts God ever gave me, to fill my head with stories and characters, to let me write them down on paper and have them make sense...and actually get sold to an NY house!
Faith Hunter