(no subject)

Jan 18, 2007 13:46

RE-EDIT: I learned today that endless_aoi, the person mentioned in my previous edit, at some point decided to go back and make her posts in question public again. The previous edit is now null and void, and this post has been restored to its original state.

EDIT: This post will not make much sense at this point. One main person I discussed in it has talked with GiG face to face, as I wanted her to do, and removed her posts from public view, as I feel is the right thing to do. Thank you. I, in thanks for those things, am removing her from this post entirely, probably taking out half of what I wrote.

I am leaving up the rest of it as a sort of cautionary tale for people who might get to know Homasse in real life in the future, as not only does she insist on keeping this out in public, but has gone to the trouble to make two separate back-up copies of her posts and screencaps. That speaks for itself as to her lack of maturity and need for Internet attention.

If the names endless_aoi or homasse mean nothing to you, please skip this entry as you'll probably have no idea of what's going on.

I kept quiet on this for as long as I could, but Endless's latest post was the last straw. This is long, but if you give a damn about the truth, here's your chance to see a very different, and much better informed perspective, of this whole giant mess. Please take the time to read it: it's the only time I will say anything about it online.

I have had enough of this. Enough.

I am one of possibly three people on the planet who has known in real life every single one of the people directly involved in the bullshit going on over at GiG's house and online. Not friends for a couple of days, or months. Years. Let's sum up the main Net players.

endless- close friend, 2 years (though apparently she's not speaking to me either in guilt by association and that's dead already: constantly being invisible on aim and saying "it's over" when I politely request phone calls doesn't seem to be a good sign)

gig - Best friend of 15 years (Though that does not make me an automatic defender of her. We had a very long talk about how disappointed I was with her for her part in this, and like adults we talked about it and ways she could start changing herself for the better. Like an adult I listened to her, and like a true friend decided to forgive her and help her on the tough road ahead that she has.)

homasse - Friend for 2 years before we had a falling out over the fact I felt she valued her Internet Presence(tm) more than her real life friends. Keep that idea in mind, we'll be coming back to it.

This knowledge of the actual people and personalities involved gives me a much broader and I feel more accurate view of what all led up to it and what all went down, but in the interests of not adding to the stress in that house and trying hard to be forgiving of ALL involved for the mess that happened, I've kept my mouth shut about the situation leading up to what happened and what actually happened then and since. I don't believe things of this nature belong on the Net, but I can only stand by and watch Endless and Homasse distort it so much before I finally have to point some things out and say some things to those people that need to be said.

Let's start with Endless. Endless, you know me. You, when you thought I was involved in the lying, even expressed anger because "so much for your high fucking morals". When you found out I hadn't been, you apologized. But the way I had carried myself in the two years we've known each other apparently left the impression on you that I have fairly good morals. That's good, because I'm hoping you'll remember that and read this post ALL the way through.

When I first met you, I thought you were a total bad-ass. I thought you went out and got what you wanted. But as I got to know you better, I came to realize most of it was just talk. Tough talk. But nothing ever happened. You had been whining about wanting to move out of that house on AIM for MONTHS, even angrily declaring you'd be out by the end of the month, but somehow that never seemed to happen. And when you started having problems with Sabrina, I told you to TALK to her about it. Like an ADULT. Which clearly you never did.

You, perhaps because of low self-esteem, seem mostly incapable of doing anything big on your own. And we'll come back to that in a minute.

So, Homasse. Let's talk about her, to give a clearer view on what she's like. Keep reading, Endless, because this ties in directly to you.

I was good friends with her a few years ago. But as time wore on, I started to notice things about her I didn't particularly care for. I started to notice that it was all about her, that she craved attention in an unhealthy fashion, and that she didn't really seem to care about her real life friends.

Classic examples:

We would all go to karaoke, and she would sing opera. She has a truly amazing opera voice. However, when you're stuck in a tiny 8x10 karaoke room and she's belting it out into a mic, it can honestly get painful. You could put your hand over your ear, you could visibly cringe, you could even say to her in a quiet part "Hey, could you be a little quieter: that hurts." And what would she do? She'd look right at you and keep on at it. It wasn't about your comfort: it was about knowing what a badass she was.

Her friends have been treated to bullshit stories like the one about how a ghost once came into her room and seemed to say to her it wanted the sake she was drinking as an offering. So she told it no, and the lights flashed, and it left. She also claims her entire family has a weird magnetic field that makes her brother unable to wear watches because they'll run backwards. She also claims that electronic things screw up around her, when from what I've seen she's somehow had absolutely no problem with her computer in the last few days of online wanking. But yet she'll tell you with a straight face she is a "very, very honest person". Uh huh.

And to bring that need for attention to the topic of LJ... We were all out shopping in Tokyo, having a good time, laughing, and so on. Well, as we're walking down the street, we realize she's let herself drift back ten feet behind us. So of course we ask "Hey are you ok?" and "Do you want us to slow down? Do your feet hurt?" She tells us no repeatedly, and eventually we decide she must want to be back there for some reason. She then runs home to post on her journal about how we ignored her and no one would have cared if she had disappeared entirely. Which was bullshit, but made for a great-looking victim online.

This leads us into the main point about Homasse's personality I want to make here, the crucial one in understanding her contribution to this situation. Homasse values her online presence/attention/Internet acquaintances more than her real life friends. I had slowly started to realize that, and then she made a shitty post about how bored she was when GiG was nice enough to take her to Tamaly for her birthday, and got pissy with me I called her on it, resorting to name calling and idle, vague threats. I decided that was it. I made one more post inviting her buddies on a site she'd been shit-talking me on to come and explain how I was in the wrong. They didn't exactly do that: I got exactly two responses, one basically saying "we just kinda commented on what she told us and didn't know the whole situation: you know, just sympathy". The other was "who the fuck are you?" Homasse's own response was that I was being a "drama queen". When other people point out that she's in the wrong, suddenly it's "I hate flame wars and LJ drama."

Does that sound accurate to you? Does that sound like the same Homasse you have no doubt seen by now with her endless comments and replies to anyone who will listen?

So after that I was done with her.

I explained that to her, on LJ since that's her chosen form of communication. and that I was never speaking to her again, and defriended her. She actually mocked me for de-friending her from her journal, as if that was a stupid thing to do.

What was I supposed to do, leave her on my friends list when I never wanted to hear from her again?

Apparently in her mind, yes. You see, during this friendship I had also noticed her really getting into LJ. She would proudly tell you the EXACT number of friends she had, and talk excitedly about her "audience". She put a lot of work into her huge, long ass posts, because she had a readership, in her mind, that hung on every little detail of her life as an English teacher.

Because of this growing obsession with LJ, she also became jealous of people who had *gasp* more friends listed than her. She once told someone she was tired of "being in GiG's shadow".

How ridiculous is it be jealous of someone else over how many friends they have on the Net?

Especially when you're in your THIRTIES. That's not a knock at her physical age. That's a knock at how she's choosing to handle herself in this situation.

So, while I remove her from my life, GiG is nice enough to give her a second chance. More than I could do at that point.

So now that we've explored some of the background to the main players that no one has bothered pointing out, Endless, let's examine the bare FACTS of what happened. Beyond the hysterics and the screaming and the righteous pointing, let's look at a timeline of what REALLY happened.

1. GiG borrows money from Homasse.
2. Homasse works herself into a frothing rage over what she sees as GiG not paying her back when she could(never once actually TALKING to her about it like a THIRTY SOMETHING should), but instead, remember this?, making snitty posts about it on her journal.
3. Homasse finally sends a shitty email to GiG on New Year's morning, telling her to get her ass down to the station with cash in hand.
4. GiG pays her back. GiG even APOLOGIZES. And bullshit aside, you KNOW GODDAMN WELL she doesn't usually do so.
5. GiG thinks it's over. Reasonable assumption.


You and Homasse began talking and plotting what to do with her, even discussing it at lunch after "choking down your bile" at her presence. You were pissed off at her, after months of NOT TALKING TO HER ABOUT THINGS I TOLD YOU TO TALK TO HER ABOUT. I know that much. She was still pissed off about the money, and who knows what else that goes on in her warped little brain.

So again, let's stick to the FACTS of what happened.

1. GiG comes downstairs to find a hostile party has been let into the house by YOU, Endless.
2. You, her oh so caring and concerned friends, scream at her for a while. She admits fault, which she does have, and goes to apologize online.
3. When she goes to apologize, you tell her "that's ok, we already have our posts ready to go!" With SCREENCAPS. And exaggerations: somehow people seem to think GiG claimed she was almost raped. That wouldn't be Homasse exaggerating, would it?

A situation this serious, a friend who you claim to care so much for and want to help, and all you can think about is the Net? A situation this serious, and you take the time to carefully pick out an appropriate icon? And link to psychology reports?

And I don't want to hear bullshit about how PEOPLE HAD TO KNOW!!!!1!!1!!!!!, because they knew when GiG posted her apology. That should have been the END of it online.

4. When you're done with your little posts, Homasse declares, and I quote, that you should all go get "drinks, to celebrate!" To CELEBRATE. She's a real concerned friend there. So upset!

5. So you go have drinks to celebrate. And when you get home not only do you not speak a WORD to GiG ever again, but you actually have the balls to, after a phone call with me where you were adamant that GiG was to blame for all of this, get lippy with me when I made the request you freeze a comment thread I had been part of. All while exaggerating about "us" being thrown out when you knew damn well you weren't included. All of while claiming you want to make amends and that you care about her, and NEVER talking to her LIKE you told me on the phone you WOULD. All the while lying to me about not being able to talk on the phone to ME about OUR friendship because you were going to be out all night when you were home and sitting in your damn room.

You refused to do something so small as: Freeze. A. Comment. Thread. So your friend of two years (ME, not GiG) wouldn't have to look forward to hateful vile shit sitting in her inbox. (Which I'll delete if any comes through now without even looking down past my original comment text.)

And then you posted some more about it. I realized at that point the Internet had definitely become something more important to you than your friends as well. I had wondered when you felt the need to make your big EXPOSING THE TRUTHZZZZZZ post, but then I knew.

And that is sad. Do you know why, Endless? When you fucked up GOOD last New Year's Eve, and of your OWN FREE WILL took and DRANK from a drink a group of strangers gave you, I was there. When the drugs they slipped you kicked in, I was there for you and I got you help. I got you to the hospital. You know how that night went. And this is how you repay me for the forgiveness I showed you, in addition to the TWO YEARS of happy and good times we had. This is how you repay me for having the grace and forgiveness to not ONCE yell at you about how STUPID YOU WERE THAT NIGHT, even though you damn well deserved it.

But you see, that ties in as well to the grand conclusion of all this.

You, Endless, are no good at resisting people or standing up for yourself or making waves. You need a strong personality to pump you up to do anything.

And that's where Homasse comes in.

Let's look at what Homasse risked, really risked, in her BRAVE EXPOSUREZ OF THE TRUTHZZZZZZ!!!

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

At the culmination of a lot of talking behind GiG's back about how horrible she is... Homasse swoops down from her apartment, TWO HOURS AWAY, whips you and the others up into the final, hateful frenzy, has you post all over the Internet, and then retreats back to her safe, cozy apartment to wallow in all the precious Internet attention and GiG hatred soon to be coming her way. Consciously or subconsciously, I have no idea. But the desperate need for attention is there.

She wallowed in it so much, she missed work the next day. (I don't believe for a second it's because she was so upset: I believe it's because she was so busying AIMing and commenting the night away she forgot she's in her THIRTIES, despite acting like a 12-year-old, that she couldn't pull off staying up all night and going in the next day.)

Now she is actually deluded enough to think she needs to remove GiG from her contact info, lest she attempt to contact her again. As if GiG wants anything to do with her ever again. But to Homasse, desperate for attention, that will always be a possibility. Who can ignore her forever?

Now, let's look at what YOU risked, Endless.

Quite a bit more: two friendships, but more importantly for right now... in your anger, YOU made the choice to move out. I believe you told me you on the phone you would move out in no more than "TWO WEEKS!" (Angry, righteous tone.) And YOU behaved in a manner that made YOUR CHOICE to move out the only option possible.

You let your anger get the better of you. Whether she did it to you consciously or not, you let Homasse make you a prop in the Homasse Internet Show. And you went right along with it, and you destroyed friendships that could have been salvaged through YOUR OWN ACTIONS.

No one made you decide to move out. YOU DID. So now you don't get to whine about GiG wanting you out. YOU are the one, THROUGH YOUR OWN ACTIONS, that did this to yourself.

So get packing. Which, I hear, you apparently haven't started on. What was that about "talking the talk" in the post you just made?

It's time for you to feel the consequences of what you've done, the consequences of letting your anger get the better of you. Who knows? Maybe your new bestest buddy Homasse will let you move in with her until you can find another place to live.

Now, I know what's going to happen. You're going to get pissed and run to her and all your little new Internet pals for sympathy and whine about how mean I am. But when you turn off that computer and you're laying in bed with nothing but your own thoughts, you're going to think about what I said.

And you're going to know I'm right. You took a bad situation and made it much, much worse. YOU. Through your own mistakes and poor judgment.

Am I disabling comments? You bet. The people I care to talk to about this, I already have. Am I locking my journal? You bet. This journal has been grudge-wank free for the five years I've left it open, and I'd like to keep it that way: I'd be stupid to think wank-happy people would leave my journal alone after I've actually said something that will contradict any of the Net wank-fest-hatred against Sabrina.

Good luck in your new life. I hope you learn how to stand up for yourself. I hope you've learned a lot from the huge mistake you've just made in your old one, enough to know and value the real friends you have next time you make them.


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