As a sequel to the last post...
You know I really don't understand why politics has to be a spitting match. Really, I don't. I know the politicians do the mudslinging, that's somewhat expected. But it's childish. When you are in a discussion about why you like/don't like a candidate you have to give more reason than you can't stand them because of the church they were/are associated with.
My case in point?
Why is it okay that Obama is/was associated with Jeremiah Wright and subsequently Farrakhan when it's treason that Palin was associated with a pentecostal church? What is the difference?
Somebody please explain that to me.
Why is it wrong that Palin (the VP nominee not the presidental candidate nominee) has strong conservative values and believes in prayer but it's okay that Obama cites Matthew 25 in his banners that say Got Hope?
With Palin she was long associated with the Assemblies of God denomination (
Beliefs of the A/G) how is this a crime? The A/G is pentecostal and they are very active in evangelism, they are conservative but not extreme right for the most part. Plus, how active was she in the church? Was she just an attender or was she very active?
This goes over to Obama, with him attending Jeremiah Wright's church. Was he just a church goer or was he active in the church and evangelizing? There is a difference. And this takes it back to the picture above....
Has anybody read Matthew 25 lately? I encourage you to.
verses 1-13 is The Parable of the 10 Virgins. I encourage you to read it because I see nothing there about hope. It's about the virgins being wise and foolish. The wise took their oil lamps and oil on their journey to meet the bridegroom. The foolish didn't take any oil with them. The foolish missed out.
verses 14-30 is The Parable of the Talents. The rich man entrusted 3 of his servants money. 2 invested, 1 did not. The one that didn't lost what he had. Don't see alot of hope there.. in the worldly thought.
verses 31-46 is The Sheep and the Goats... This is about the end times when the saved will be separated from the unsaved. Again, on the worldly view I don't see hope.
This whole chapter is about those that missed the boat.
I just have a hard time understanding the way these people are thinking... see, they want religion out of politics but yet they are the same people that are complaining of a candidates faith or lack there of.
I believe this goes back to what I have always said. The faith of a person is part of their moral fiber. My decisions are based on my beliefs because of my faith. I have my faith because of my life experiences, I have gone through many things that if there wasn't a God, I wouldn't have gotten through them.