Jan 03, 2006 04:29
Deep in the woods, a demon wearing a Slayer's face hunts.
There's blood on her teeth, and her shoes have gone missing.
She's a wild thing now, craving the hunt, and if she can't kill humans, she'll slake her thirst for blood on forest animals.
Small freedom is better than none.
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Once Mel was a thief, and a fighter. Then when necessity took her somewhere else, she learned to hunt demons, to track them.
The woods aren't a desert, and she's not the best tracker in the world, but she knows how to move quietly. And quickly.
She's been searching with this sense of urgency for hours now, but she knows she's getting close. She'll keep going all night if she has to. Her swater has been disgarded, and in torn pants and a tanktop she ignores the January bite.
She's not far.
She thinks it's funny.
She perches in a tree, on a low branch, waiting for the Slayer to find her.
It will be a good hunt.
Mel avoids litter where she can, swinging from branches at places and treading on those tree roots taht stick up past. She has no weapon drawn right now, needing both hands to move, but her scythe gleams in the moonlight, and her gun is a comforting weight on her thigh.
Min Fal'hwell is dark and silent against her wrist.
Melaka Fray is only half a Slayer, after all, and no real threat.
She should be tired by now, she's been searching fruitlessly for so long, and the night draws in still.
But the things about demons? They're arrogant rutters. And the trail of corpses she finds is getting fresher.
Another Slayer would know the demon was nearby through some special mystical powers. Mel knows this thing is nearby because she can see the evidence.
She halts, cautiously, and looks around her.
"Melaka Fray. However did you find me? Did you get a real Slayer to point the way?"
"You're a real messy eater, y'know?"
Wihtout waiting for an answer, she whips her gun out of its holster.
She eyes the gun, laughing.
"A gun. How very un-Slayerlike. You really are terrible at your job, aren't you?"
This is a little more.
"I'm unconventional."
"Really. Well. That explains your brother, anyway."
Mel drops the gun in favour of whipping her hand back and grabbing the handle of her scythe even as she launches herself forward at Faith.
"Yeah, he's from the same stock."
She's grinning a little too much. And she doesn't half look like her brother when she does so.
The demon laughs as Mel lunges, side-stepping and aiming a heavy blow at the back of the Slayer's head.
"I like your brother. We spoke, earlier. He found me amusing, I think. Especially when I told him Faith was inside me still, able to see and hear everything I'm doing."
The blow sends Mel rolling, but she recovers quickly, turning it to her advantage to sweep kick at Faith's legs.
Why the rut do people keep hitting me in the head?
"Don't take it to heart, he's easily amused"
The scythe swings up and over in the same movement. Her vision narrows, and the forest starts to fade...
Faith's blood, still, for all that a demon controls it.
The demon is angry, and goes for Mel's throat.
Somewhere, deep in the subconscious of that body, Faith is cheering for her friend.
As she blocks her throat by twisting her wrist to bring the stake end of her scythe up in the way, the most conscious majority of her resigns to the fact that she might need the madness to win.
Throwing herself back away from the demon, she kicks up, hard and fast.
Another, equally voice is laughing manically as she leaves the forest and is back in the desert.
She's bleeding and angry, but at the same time, exhilirated.
Half a Slayer or not, it's the best fight she's had in a while, and she grins at Mel, teeth stained with blood.
"You're fast for a mutt."
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