Feb 20, 2006 01:01
I'm amazed each time I walk into the presence of God how small I feel. It isn't because I feel belittled but because God feels so BIG. Sometimes I forget that God is big. I often forget that he has the time to think about me, to care for me, to remember me. I'm amazed that I even think this way because God has so much going on all the time. Yet, I do not. I am so forgetful of Him. I do not worship Him like I should. I do not honor Him like I should.
Tonight's sermon was called How Can I Increase My Spiritual Vision. It was based off the passage of scripture from Mark 10: 46-52. Go read it, but don't just read it, experience it. I think the part that stood out to me the most from this sermon was "being desperate to see." Yea, I know you are saying you can already see. Dean said, "we never grow spiritually beyond our desperation." How desperate am I for God? Am I truly desperate? Do I feel the need to fall on my knees in prayer? The answer to that question is: Yes, and all the time...but for some reason I don't. Why don't I come to God when I need him the most? Why do I try to fix everything myself when I know I can't? Desperation, what am I desperate for? I am desperate to be closer to God. To know him, to see him, to feel him.
Besides desperation I need to be passionate about Christ. I love the example of a dad standing at the nursery window peering at his newborn baby. The father is so enthusiastic about his child that he is willing to share with anyone that walks up that that is his child. Why are we not willing to have that same enthusiasm and passion about Christ? Obviously, the easy answer is fear. Fear of what people will say. Fear of offending someone. Fear that we will be criticized. It is easier, no, it is safer for sit back and not say anything. At least it feels safer at that moment. I need to be filled with passion for Christ. I need to be able to share with anyone. I need to get over my fears and insecurities that follow me everywhere I go.
Insecure. That word defines me in almost every way. I don't want to be defined by such a negative word. I want to be passionate! I want to be consumed with Christ! I want to be his beautiful creation! I am redeemed!