Popcorn in SAPPORO (Day 2) -- 30 Nov 2012, Friday

Dec 04, 2012 00:20

CONCERT DAY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waited almost 1.5 years for this energy recharge and I need it badly!!!!  This is almost the PURPOSE of why I am in Japan.

Troops of Arashi fangirls invaded the rural Sapporo city by now as usual.  Even as I shop, sales girls would spot my Popcorn bag and told me there are many girls with this bag since morning! LOLOL. Arashi does bring about REAL economy booster...tourism prospers!

On the way to しあわせ

My power lunch - Hakodate Shio Ramen - at about 2pm...to survive me till 10pm? LOL. No worries, with Arashi, who needs to eat? Everything else including basic needs just do NOT matter anymore!

And then the usual squishy squashy jiggle from Sapporo --> Fukuzumi where the DOME is!!!


My 3rd time going thru this...no surprises.....fortunately, unlike 5X10 where it was a painful 2-3hour inching forward in the rain, this time was quite a smooth walk! Just pretty cold, so ASAP is good!  The crowd control team does improve over experience huh.  I'm pretty sure the train station and crowd control staff hate Arashi cons becuz they have to face a crazy influx of 55,000 pple in narrow walking tunnels and have to work till at least midnight as they extend last-train timings.  We were joking all staff would not be able to take any leave on Arashi con dates LOL.

しあわせ World...

And then INSIDE THE DOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, once you step INTO the dome, the WHOLE entire atmosphere changes and u feel like u are in an entirely different WORLD....Very dreamy......... 幸せな時間が始まる。

My seat!! Standing area, Row 19!!
Row 19 is a good row peeps!!! Mine happen to be just above the parent-child seat area  (they are not allowed to stand up!!) and THE FIRST ROW after that section (u can see the section break just in front of my seat)...and that means TOTAL UNBLOCKED VIEW....BEAUTIFUL........ and also extra sweet smiles and waves from the boys cuz they know there are many children there kyaaa~~~~

Concert started late..around 6:15PM (as opposed to the reporting 6:00PM).  Quite a record breaker for Japan standard.  Maybe delayed due to the cold.

Just jotting a few highlights for 1st day.  Much more details on 2nd day (next post)!

1.  Nino was a hardworking boy tonight!!! VERY SMiLEY and WAVED ALOT!!!! Drastic difference from Beautiful World last year....  I spotted he gave fan service to specific fans OMG!!!! RARE!!!!  He did not notice my uchiwa but to see him smile so much made me very happy already!!!  HE LOOKED DAMN AWESOMEEEEE..................... reminds me of 5X10 where he also smiled alot and looked dashing....*うれしい*

2.  MC -- WE SANG BIRTHDAY SONG TO RIIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For his 32nd Bday OMG!!!! What a priviledge............*___*  It was funny when we reached "Happy Birthday to....", some pple sing Oh-chan, some pple sing Riida, and Sho later said he heard "Rii-chan" and for the entire night, Ohno was known as RIi-chan LOL. I LIKE THIS NAME!!!!  Riida is extremely cute and humble as usual...saying things like "well, the truth is I am 32...and even for a person like me (こんな僕でも。。)..I have so much support (たくさん人から支えてくれて。。)...etc". AWWWW Rii-chan YOU ARE SUCH A BRILLIANT MAN AND YOU SHOULD BE MORE PROUD OF YOURSELF!!!!!  
The boys started complaining how come he did not reply to their birthday messages (it was cute that they mind such things!!) and Ohno started explaining a LONG story LOL.  He went FISHING before his birthday (lol whats new) and he fell into the sea OMG O___O.  It took about 5 mins to get to this part and nino got impatient and shouted "what has this gotta do with not replying to our mails?!?" *angry look* so cute!!!! 
then he finally got to the main point that his mobile phone also fell into the sea with him.... although he could retrieve the messages, he could not see who was it from and there were too many... but he could recognize a few from how they usually phrase their messages -- for example he recognized Sho's message.  So he just thanked him in person lol. Instead of replying, he just thot he will say it in person hehe.

3.  Ninos solo killed me entirely.  My fellow yellow friend died with me during Nino's solo. It was so beautiful......................................................................my other all-but-yellow friend had to fan us with uchiwas to calm us down LOLOL. Later on, heard from pple, quite a few yellow-ers cried. 完璧。感動。he forgot lyrics on the 2nd and 3rd day but 1st day was perfect! YAY! The part they flashed back Niji was super touching. T____T

4.  Concert ended slightly past 9PM. Just slightly less than 3 hours. Encores hardly had any waiting time LOL. I think the boys just wanna quickly get it done and have their dinner LOL. and that's what they said themselves...Jun started,じゃ、飯食いに行こう (lets go for dinner)。。Sho agreed じゃ、解散!(lets break off!) and we had to go ええええええ??!he made us do that 2 or 3 times....then he asked RIida what should we do next, じゃ、リーダ、どうする?and....RIida said..うんん。。。じゃ、解散!!MAD. Obviously we said a EVEN LOUDER ええええええええ!!!??? and finally RIida relented and said ok next song is WHOOSH. He pronounced it in a funny way  deliberately (supposed to be WISH) hahaha.

After 3 hours of dreamy しあわせ...

We joined a Post-Con party cum Post Rii-chan Bday party at SHIDAX KTV with a huge bunch of Jap fans (many Rii-chan wifeys!!!! Totally BLUEEEEE gang~~~~) LOL


How it works is you paste your ichiban photo all over the walls of the KTV room -- and you can see RIi-chan plastered all over LOL.  I had to break the momentum by pasting some Nino with it hehe.

We left around...3am? and it was nice you can pick the photos u like and take them home!!! The japs are really sweet and I had a few uber cute door gifts!!!! Of course I took some Nino photos back even tho the photos were brought by other pple...but they said its OK. All BLUE gang. Go ahead and take YELLOW. and i happily did LOL.

PHEW. Day one was long but fun!!!!! 
Need my beauty sleep to see my prince the next day.....ARENA SEAT!!!!!!! CLOSE UP CLOSE UP!!!!!


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