I had to drag my lazy ass out of bed today at like...noon, to go to the doctor. Strangely, she was worse to understand than my old doctor, I don't know why my grandma won't let me get a doctor that's, yanno, from this fucking country so I can understand what the fuck they are saying to me. I just nod and smile and pretend like I understand. Just give me my perscription, kthxbai.
On the way home, my grandma asked me if I wanted to go out to eat at Tia Helita's, the local Mexican restaurant we go to a lot. So, being the hungry hungry hippo I am, of course I said I wanted to go. *nodnod* I was fucking hungry, and I don't know what it was about that damn place today, but they must have put something in the food. Some kind of tranquilizer or something, because me and my grandma both passed the fuck out when we got home. And I never take naps! Dude, I slept for like 2 straight hours that food made me so tired. Weird. I'm gonna have some stinky ass shit tomorrow though, damn Mexican beans. >__>
Oh crap, TMI.
Oh well. *shrug* Anywhoo, aww, I forgot! When I was at the doctors, I was talking to the nurse and she was telling me how she was tired cuz she was the only one working that day. Apparently, her friend who she works with, I guess they had went out to lunch, and her friend got a call that her puppy was dead. T___T She had only had him for 2 weeks, and I guess she was keeping him in a cage, you know, while she was at work. And he tryed to get out and he hung himself by accident. I was so heartbroken, because, you know, I'm such a huge animal lover myself. But also because my dog was out in the car in the backseat with my grandma waiting for me. Everytime I hear about someone else's pet dying, I just feel so bad. I say this, over and over again, but I can't even think about what will happen when the day comes that my dog passes away. I will seriously need some fucking psychotic help. For sure. But yeah, I felt so bad. So that was why she was working by herself for the rest of the day. [/random sad story]
And apparently, last weekend, Sherry called my grandma again, bitching per usual. I seriously do not know who the fuck she thinks she is. She called and apparently told my grandma that she did not appareciate us not telling her thank you for Catherine's birthday card with her birthday money in it. And I'm like...why the fuck do we need to say thank you if it was Catherine's birthday and thus, her birthday present. Shouldn't...Catherine be the one to say thank you? Not us? WTF? That's like me getting a present and YOU being required to say thank you. Puh, lame. Then she went on to say something like, "I also do not appreciate nobody calling and telling me WHAT Catherine spent her birthday money on and what she did with it! It's RUDE!" And boy, does she have a lot of nerve. I would have said something along the lines of, "Well, Catherine is going to have a bowel movement in about 2 hours or so. Let me call you back and tell you all about it Sherry." What's even funnier is that Catherine hasn't spent any of birthday money yet. She hasn't even cashed the check yet! She's been too busy playing with friends to even give to my grandma to cash for her! Seriously, the woman thinks she needs to know every little stinking thing my sister does. She is 10 years old, 10. And Sherry likes to believe that Catherine just...lives and breathes for her, and that us not telling Sherry every fucking little thing concerning Catherine is a disgrace and that we are just, punishing Catherine so horribly. And guess what? Catherine could care less. Sure, she loves her grandma Sherry, but she's playing with friends! She's outside digging for worms, riding her bike, playing pretend and hide and go seek. She goes to the park, she rides her scooter, she jumps on the trampoline. She watches anime and movies with me, she plays video games. She does things that a normal child does as this age, and Sherry just doesn't seem to get that.
Then I guess she started to go off about me (since apparently I've done something else wrong now...) and my grandma just said, "Sherry, I'm not going to talk to you about my daughter because your rude, arrogant and nasty. Goodbye," and hung up. Too bad, because I'm kind of interested as to what she's cooked up now. But whatever, she's just crazy anyhow.
And my dog is pissing me off because she won't let me sleep alone and just when I thought I got the glory of having one single night to myself, now I can hear her outside the door. *ignores*
But...yeah. Finished Blood+ today. T____T That...is such a good show, and any of you who have not seen it, you need to. That show is near perfection it was so good. I need it on DVD so I can watch it over and over. That show was so sad...no anime has ever made me cry as much as that one did. LOVED IT. I'm like, a total Blood fangirl now. I watched the movie, the anime and now I'm reading the "Night Of The Beasts" novel. *_______* I want a Blood+ layout now.....
I can't wait for tomorrow, I'm getting my hair done, so I should probably get to bed soon so I can get up. It's gonna be so badass. If you guys want some pictures, let me know, because if nobody really gives a shit then I won't bother with a picture spam. Not that...anybody will really care what my hair looks like, I just thought I'd put it out there for any takers. ^_^v But yeah, just letting you all know, if updates become a bit rare, Nishara will be coming over tomorrow night and staying through Sunday, so I might be a little busy. But I will try to get a post in here and there. LOL. I might let Nishara type something up just for shits and giggles, haha.
Don't worry if she types black. That's cuz she is black. LOL! Oh, and as a pre-warning, don't mind if you see her naked tit pop up here in LJ land. It will definitely be friends locked, but...on Friday, we're going to the tattoo parlor. I'm finally getting my lip done (*NERVOUS!*) and apparently Nishara got the brainy idea that she wants her nipples pierced. So, when we get home we're going to take a picture, me (and my new pierced lip) kissing her pierced nipple. It'll be sweet. LAWL. LAWL. LAWL.
OH! And I swear, I'll shut up after this and just...fucking post so I can go masturbate (I CAN'T NOW, I HAD TO LET MY GHEY DOG IN. *huff*) to sleep. XP But I got into this new band called "Birthday Massacre." If you've never heard of them, and you like female fronted bands, CHECK THEM OUT. So far, "Blue" is my favorite song by them, it's so awesome. I actually heard it last weekend when I went out bowling with everyone. But anyhow, I randomly looked on YouTube to see if they had a video and low and behold, they did! And it very much scared me because it was fucked up and the dolls we're just...psychotically scary. O__O Maybe I shouldn't be watching this before I go to sleep...