Oooohhh. An icon meme~

Jul 09, 2008 03:32

Stolen from breyzyyin

1) Reply to this post, and I will select 5 of your userpics that I like (Please be sure to say that you're interested in the second icon meme though!)
2) Make an entry and talk about the icons I have chosen
3) Etcetera

Unfortunately, I am lame && I don't have a paid account. I am not a kewl kid. -_- I would if I had PayPal, I mean, it's not like I don't have the money for one. But not having PayPal kinda puts me in a rut. I should make some rich friends on here who wanna buy me one. That would be awesome. Anyway, I know the meme says 5 icons, but breyzyyin "cheated" so to say, since I only have 6 anyway, it was tough to just leave one out. :]

~This is an icon I made about a month && a half ago. It's an original character, drawn by the amazingly talented bluefeathers over at devART. It's one of her Gaia characters, which I personally, have never gotten into Gaia. Don't ask why, it sounds like something I would like, but I just never took the time to get into it. But the artwork was beautiful && I couldn't resist. I hope she doesn't mind, since I technically didn't ask permission, but she was credited over at cruel_dawn [/shameless plug]

~You either love him or you hate him. Me, I'm more on the love side. He has so many haters, but it comes with the turf. I will admit though, he can be kind of a douchebag, but I dunno. I guess he is one of my guilty pleasures. If you have no idea who Jeffree Star is: voila. I also made this icon. ^_^v

~Again with my Jeffree Star fandom. In case you didn't know [ which it should be obvious I think at least ] he is a tranny. A transvestite. There is a difference since SOME PEOPLE ARE DUMB && DON'T KNOW THAT *cough*KAZ*cough* I personally find a strange attraction to the man. If he wasn't such a hoe, I would probably bone him, not gonna lie. Like I said, guilty pleasure. && I again made this icon. I made a whole batch actually. ♥

~WEEE! Finally, an icon not made by myself. This one was found over at explosive_icons which has some fucking amazingggg J-Pop icons. I haven't checked for updates in awhile, so I probably should do that now that I mention it. Koda Kumi is one of my faaaaaavorite J-Pop artists. I fangirl over her like mad whoa. Say what you want about her, I don't care. ILOVEHER. By the way, this picture of her was taken from one of her magazine covers she had in Japan, which is why all the text is all over it. It's from the cover itself, it wasn't put on there by the artist.

~Made this icon, actually not too long ago. It's Koda Kumi, again, being her beautiful self. I have deemed it impossible for Kuu-chan to take a bad photo. Professional or candid, it doesn't matter. Of course, I could just be a biased fangirl, no doubt, but still. This is taken from the cover of her latest single, "MOON".

~Aaaaand, last but not least, a lovely Ristuka icon I made. He's from Loveless, which, I will be honest, I have never read a chapter of nor seen an episode of. I downloaded the anime series a longass time ago && never got around to watching it. I know the characters though, from what I have seen. Loveless always seems to have such beautiful fanart too. *gushes* Again, this artwork is by bluefeathers. Check our her gallery! ♥

jpop, gaia, loveless, icon meme, breyzyyin, koda kumi, fandom, jeffree star, userpics, lame

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