Jun 26, 2008 16:10
So basically, yesterday I didn't do shit. I started my period yesterday. Woke up, went to the bathroom to go pee && basically found out the hard way. Thanks for sharing? Your very welcome. On top of my stomach cramping && just being totally uncomfortable all effing day, my back was in serious pain from the time I woke up until the time I went to sleep. Just my lower lower back, right above my butt. I seriously would have killed for a back rub yesterday. It's time like these that make one wish you had a boyfriend to do the job for you. T____T
I'm just glad my period started after the Fair To Midland show, I would have been so irritated.
In other news, we still have no hot water, but that will hopefully be fixed later on, by tonight. I have never been so excited to bathe ever in my life, you have no idea. 5 days people. I haven't showered in 5 days. I know I could have went over to Caysie's or my uncle's but I dunno, I just would have felt weird. I really wanted to go over to Nishara's but she was at her dad's house so I couldn't. Well, I guess I could of since it was only her && her little brother over there, but I chose not to. I was lazy. Which is no excuse because now I just feel like the most disgusting person alive. As soon as that hot water comes back on, I call first dibs. I have already made this more than clear.
But I wish there was more to update on, but there really isn't. Like I said, I didn't do shit yesterday except sit on my arse. Watched some Naruto && some Bleach... layed in bed && forced my little sister to rub my back. Has anyone ever heard of the anime Phoenix? I watched an episode of it && I like it, but it's just... weird. I don't really know how old it is, but the animation && the character designs look like... American, but it was in Japanese. O_o My sister really likes it, but I can guarantee it was only because of the pretty sparkly Phoenix flying around && that was it. The storyline was just weird too. Like, this girl was really sick && her husband went out looking for the Phoenix so he could use it's powers to save her. Didn't work, he wound up dying because the Phoenix caught him on fire or something. && then this guy washed up on the shore of the island, he was actually a medicine man. The leader of the tribe told him that if he saved Hinaku [ the girl ] that he would spare his life, so he did. && then Hinaku && the medicine man wound up getting married. WTF? Her husband had just died, trying to save her skank ass && then she got married again like a week later. I don't really know, I guess this was the way things we're done back then anyway but it was just weird to me, I dunno.
I have been gaining weight again because dumb me forgot about my diet && exercise plan, so I am back on it && I don't plan on fucking it up this time either. It's not a hard diet at all really && it works. I forced myself to walk last night even though I didn't really want to, because I basically couldn't wander too far from the toilet for very long. [ Yes, I have discovered that liquor gives me the shits. ] But I did it && I of course felt so much better after I did, so I'm happy I pushed myself to do it.
I also can't forget to call the dentist office tomorrow so I can make an appointment to come in && start getting all my work done. I'm hoping by the end of the summer, by this fall, everything will be done. Plus, it's sedation dentistry which means I get to be knocked out for everything. So it should fly by without me being worried about it really at all. *crosses fingers* I hope so.
no hot water,
fair to midland,
gaining weight,