‘Tis the season of giving but I missed all the official fic exchanges. I’d like to do something for those who read the faithburke livejournal. And since I’ve got some control over my wheat allergy and my muse is rocking, I want to give myself a challenge. So give me two prompts and I will try (try, try, try) to give you 200+ words for one or the other in return by January 1st.
Prompt 1: missing scene/epilogue/time stamp of anything that I have posted (see paburke
link) Give me some sort of premise to work off of, please.
Prompt 2: universe 1/universe 2 (picked from the tags to the side), and a prompt, either a word, a character or a situation. Be creative, you know I love the off the wall crosses. If there is something you think I can write, but for some reason isn’t among the tags, ask! The worst that can happen is that I ask you to pick a different prompt.
So Happy Holidays and thanks for commenting on our lj this past year.