Mar 11, 2010 09:28
One day I'll actually get around to posting the interesting stuff we have going on - don't think that'll be today though!
We've had a week of E actually sleeping through the night again. Hoorah. I'd almost forgotten how it felt to get more than 3 hours sleep in a row. The solution was to set the travel cot up in our room and for her to sleep in that while I sleep in the bed; first night she was a bit unsettled, but since then she's been doing fine. I was at the point where I'd have been happy to do *anything* to sort it out - she was awful from not sleeping, I didn't have the patience or energy to deal with her because *I* wasn't getting any sleep, but now we're both rested and she's a lot less anxious, so it's a win-win situation. We'll have to transition her back into her own room at some point, but for now it's working for us, and the most important thing is making sure she's sleeping through consistently again. So glad to have my happy little girl back again! The thrush still hasn't cleared up so we'll be back to the doctor again next week, but fingers crossed the bad patch has passed.
Also, *really* need to post a bump picture. It's been there for a while now, but this last week has suddenly exploded lol. 15 weeks to go, and so much to do still - couldn't even start to think about it with E up all the time and being exhausted, but now I can finally start to plan again.
To Do List:
* Sort. The. House.
* Order matresses before sales end
* Finish reading Childbirth Without Fear
* Order more books!
* Sort out MA application stuff
I'm sure there's more, but that's enough to be getting on with for now!