Feb 28, 2010 15:34
Well we've FINALY got to the bottom (no pun intended) of what has been bothering E for the last few weeks or so. Turns out she's got thrush :( She's had a rash in the nappy area on and off since before Christmas, but when I spoke to the doctor he said it just souned like nappy rash and to keep things clean and dry and use cream regularly. It kept clearing up for a time and then coming back, so we assumed it was just nappy rash and treated it accordingly. This last week though it got really bad, and then yesterday lunch time she started with a fever. Ended up taking her to an out of hours doctor and now it's a case of slathering her in cream several times a day and dosing her with calpol. Poor love, she's totally miserable, but it does explain the constant waking/generally being under the weather that she's been going through. Hopefully things will settle down a bit once we've knocked it on the head - us both getting more than 4 hours sleep a night would be nice, thank you very much!