Fanfiction #163 - Primetime! (It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This)

Apr 04, 2009 20:53

Title: Primetime! (It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This)
Rating/warnings: PG
Genre: humour, crack
Character/s: Charlie, Christian
Spoilers: up to the end of season four
Summary: Christian and Charlie, sitting on a cloud somewhere observing the twattishness of their friends and relatives on and off the island.
Disclaimer: Lost isn’t mine etcetera.

“This is ridiculous.”


“Absolutely. Ridiculous.”


“I can’t even...I else would you even describe this?! It’s just...”



“What do you think about all this?” Christian Shepherd turned to his counterpart imploringly, a frown set deep into his forehead.

“Pfft. Don’t ask me!” Charlie picked at his cuticles. “I didn’t set up this stupid bloody arrangement.”

“Well yes,” Christian lamented. “But you’ve been watching these idiots along with me - you must have some kind of opinion on it all.”

“I just wish you’d let Claire off the island,” Charlie scowled. “I did die so that that she and Aaron’d be rescued you know...”

“It’s safer for her there,” Christian grumbled. “It’s not my fault she left the baby in the middle of the jungle and they got separated. I told her...”

“Yeah whatever,” Charlie interrupted wearily and then shook his head. “How’d I end up spending my afterlife with you?”

“Just lucky,” Christian suggested dryly

“Lucky.” Charlie snorted.


Then presently, “I need a drink.”

“Good luck with that,” Charlie got to his feet and stretched. “I’m bored. Might go annoy Hurley.”

“Don’t be out too late,” Christian said vaguely.

“Yes dad.” Charlie mocked.

“Hey don’t get all clever with me,” Christian said sharply. “If you’d shacked up with my daughter then I could’ve been your father-in-law.”

Charlie looked suddenly inspired. “My posthumous father-in-law? Sounds like a TV series.”

“Great,” Christian said dryly. “Just what the world needs. More crappy TV.”

“I think it’d be brilliant,” Charlie said. “I bet Hurley agrees with me too.”

“That kid’d watch TV all day if someone let him.”

“So says he who never missed an episode of General Hospital...”



“Don’t...ever tell anybody else about that. Or I’ll...”

“Kill me?” Charlie said gleefully. “Torture me? Not really much point in either of them mate...”

“Oh go away.” Christian said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re giving me a migraine.”

“You got it gramps.”


dbah!charlie, humour, crack, christian shepherd, charlie pace

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