Fanfiction #147 - Unfinished Business

May 14, 2008 14:27

Title: Unfinished Business
Rating/warnings: PG-13, language
Genre: angst
Character/s: Charlie
Spoilers: up to 4x01. Based on speculation only.
Summary: He drifts between time and space, never really knowing where he’ll be next, not understanding why he’s still here or even what he is. And then one day he opens up the newspaper and discovers to his horror that while six of his friends have been rescued, the one person he wanted to save more than anything is still lost. Written for day three of lostsquee’s season 4 hiatus challenge. Prompt used was the quote (which is in the cut).
Original Post Date: 07/04/2008
Disclaimer: characters and situations in the story by Lost. Quote in the cut by Walt Whitman.

( The untold want, by life and land ne’er granted, Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find. )

fic challenge, dbah!charlie, season four, lostsquee season 4 hiatus challenge, charlie pace, angst

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