Title: You Killed It With “I Love You”
Rating/warnings: PG
Genre: angst, romance
Character/s: Claire, Charlie
Spoilers: “One Of Us” through to “Through The Looking Glass”
Summary: After a surprise admission, Charlie and Claire find themselves even more unsure about where they stand - but little do they know just how fast their time is running out. As actions become less important than the words they accompany, will they be able to reconcile before Desmond’s final prophecy claims Charlie’s life? Won third place in
lostfichallenge #64: inspired by...
Original Post Date: 29/01/2008
Disclaimer: Lost, Charlie/Claire etc. do not belong to me and neither does “Sunday Morning” by Lilly Allen which inspired this fic.
And you killed it, you killed it, you killed it with "I love you" )