Title: Save Yourself for Me 1-3
pacejunkie and
sapphire_child Rating/warnings PG
Genre: action/adventure, romance, angst, AU
Character/s: Claire, Charlie, Desmond, Juliet
Spoilers: up to the end of season three with some speculation for season four
Summary: When Claire’s rescue helicopter turns out to be a ploy by a rogue medical team to do experiments on Aaron, it’s up to Desmond and Juliet to find out where she’s being kept and to save them both for the real rescue. But Claire and Aaron are not the only flight 815 survivors who are being held hostage there...
Original post date: 24-28th Janurary 2008
fanfiction.net Post:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4187982/1/Disclaimer: Lost doesn’t belong to us - but Charlie may as well do so near enough is good enough eh? We’re not making any money, please don’t sue us, thank you and enjoy.
Authors Note: This started off as a bunny from
sapphire_child but all too soon she lost her inspiration for it and came to her friend and fellow writer
pacejunkie seeking help to get her groove back into the fic. Then, before we both knew it, it was a co-authored fic with a Desmond+Juliet side story! We hope that you enjoy it as much as we both enjoyed writing it :)
Part One ~
Part Two ~
Part Three