Title: Suicide Note
Rating/warnings: PG-13, tw: major character death, tw: suicide
Genre: angst, darkfic
Character/s: Charlie, Desmond, Claire
Spoilers: up to the end of season three - particularly Greatest Hits/TTLG
Summary: Written from the POV of Charlie’s Greatest Hits list. The rest is all...well, in the fic. Written for my
50_darkfics claim "99. writers choice"
Original Post Date: 08/09/2007
fanfiction.net Post:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4124811/1/Disclaimer: By actually soaking a piece of lined paper that I scribbled on in permanent marker in water for close to two hours, I have deduced that there is a possibility that a) Charlie’s Greatest Hits list survived being in Desmond’s pocket and having a lovely long swim, b) I am completely insane and need to be committed and c) I do not own Lost.
Author’s Note: this fic actually made me tear up as I was writing it. I got my inspiration from
pacejunkie and Johnette Napolitano’s song “Suicide Note” and for that I thank them both. I also uh...wrote this in about two hours flat. My muse pretty much exploded so I apologise if it seems rough at all.
I wanted to believe you would win the war in your head that I did not understand... )