Title: All The Time In The World
Rating/warnings: PG-13
Genre: angst, darkfic, tragedy, romance
Character/s: Claire, Charlie
Spoilers: my own speculation up to the end of season three
Summary: In the end, Claire has all the time in the world - but only to mourn.
Original Post Date: 21/03/2007
fanfiction.net Post:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4030810/1/Disclaimer: Not mine not mine not mine. That is my mantra.
Author’s Note: written for my
50_darkfics claim of "Charlie and Claire" for prompt 96. Writers Choice
She realises in an instant that while she thought she had all the time in the world with him she never made any use of it. Every moment that they shared together - even the bad ones - seem infinitely more precious now that they can never be again... )