Title: Useless
Rating/warnings: PG
Genre: angst, fluff, romance
Character/s: Claire, Thomas, Charlie
Spoilers: season two
Summary: A companion piece to
Afraid To Try but from Claire’s POV. Claire didn’t like feeling useless.
Original Post Date: 25/09/2006
fanfiction.net Post:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3170696/1/Disclaimer: I never said that I owned Lost, therefore you can’t sue my ass. So there.
Dedication: for
lily_268 who prompted and inspired me to write this in the first place.
She wasn’t the perfect mother - she knew that. Charlie wasn’t a perfect man - she knew that too. But when he smiled at her, a little shy, a little hesitant, warm and gentle, she felt like she might have finally found at least some small purpose. )