Hey all! I've come to poke at all the fan video content creators and fanfiction authors to come and help COH (
cityofhellville.com) out of it's update slump! There are new
FANFICTION archive scripts up, but they're really bare at the moment so I'm out actively searching for authors who would be gracious enough to donate some of their work to help us kick off the new sections in style!
Unfortunately, the last fanfiction archive's databases were corrupted in the move to the new, more stable server (ad-supported, but the ads aren't too bad!) and all but three fics were entirely unreadable. Because of that we've decided to start fresh and hope to draw in a new generation of Spike/Faith fans by treating the genre as if Buffy and Angel were still on the air by updating with fresh content as regularly as possible!
We're also looking for staff. Basically, we need a few more people who are familiar with Wordpress and willing to post news (comics, fandom, Jams & Eliza's projects, etc.), to make media (icons, wallpaper, winamp skins, fanfiction, videos, anything really.) or to scout media makers so we can manhandle them into letting us use their work, lol. There are also staff positions open at Eliza Dushku Media (
elizamedia.org/elizadushku.biz) and Buffy Summers Fan (
buffy-summers.com), as well as Faith Lehane Online (
faith-online.com) so soon as I can get the blasted thing reformatted!
If you're just interested in adding fanfiction, you may do so at
The Basement. If you'd like to donate video content to
Desolation Angels, email your submission to
me, subject line "Spaith Video", with your video in either a zip file or a youtube link. Please include the following:
1. Your Name
2. Your Email
3. Your Url (if applicable)
4. Video link (zip file containing video or youtube link)
5. Video Name
6. Song Title and Artist (if applicable)
7. Any extra information you'd like to see along side your credit.
As always, we're still taking submissions for other media (fanart, icons, wallpaper) - all donations are credited to their creators. Thanks so much for your time, everyone! :)