Title: More or Less- “I Know You”
Link to Chapter:
http://archive.shriftweb.org/archive/36/moreor.html Link to Previous Chapter:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1686502/34/ Site: StrangeBint.com
Author: Strange Bint
Rating: R
Pairing: Spike/Faith
Summary: Still riding the high that Spike is saved from his coma Faith wants to play one least game before they get back to work. But players have shifted.
Notes: There it is. Just a month late. The next one should be out sooner with a Spike/Dru flash-back. More Buffy Summers soon too. Oh, and soon I’ll be redoing my site and there will be CREDITS for “More or Less!” Send me all your comments and stuff.
Fanfic.net isn’t posting, so I posted on BFA. I’m going to update the site soon. And there will be credits by J-dos!