Mar 25, 2009 10:30

Morning!!!  Today at 1 PM  I need everyone to send their good vibes this way and concentrate and repeat the mantra 'she'll get the job. she'll get the job' I have what it is like an informal second interview in the place I went last month that I 'hadn't got' the job. Seems like I might have after all. PLEASE DO WISH ME LUCK. It is a SUPPORT WORK job. No shit!!

Anyway, Let's assume you are all dying to know how we fared in Egypt...

Well everyone seemed to be so lovely the first evening, or were they? I mean we hadn't been in the hotel for 20 minutes -friday- when people were trying to make us buy something, jewellery or souvenirs. Even whilst having dinner the 'manager' came and told Andreu to visit his shop (the one sentence they can all say in perfect English)

full DAY 1 -saturday- I got sun stroke. I know! Shocking! Shame on me hehe. Met an Engish couple who we'd end up being friends with and share funny stories of shops and people around us. Spent the whole day with a headache but still went for a walk into town until the preassure from the shop people got unbearable and we went back to the hotel, not without arguing with the taxi drivers who wanted to charge us 30 quid whne it's only 10. They do take the piss! Back in the hotel I was told by the barman I should not drink beer but tea.Fuckers! The rest of the night I was ill with a fever and dinner was iboprufen. Great start!

DAY 2 was a lot better although we started wondering where Egyptian women were as we hadn't seen one. Even the cleaners were male (AND they were quite rubbish at cleaning the rooms, a glass I used for water stayed on the bedside table til I took it to the bar on the last day and the loo was not even mopped) Took it easy. Chilled and had some sun. Got a taste of the other guests, Russians, all of them, none of them with the basic manners or ability to be pleasant, all of them with an appetite -and figure- to match that of an elephant. 
So we ventured to the shops well armed with two powerful weapons: "La shurkran. Ma salamma - NO THANK YOU, GOOD BYE" Got into the one I wanted as I was after a belly dancer outfit. Ended up staying like 1 hour as I was made to try it on, 'dance', have tea and fee cigarettes, and then haggle for 15 minutes. At the end I got it for 38 quid. Not bad. Next shop were stayed for 2 hours. More tea, more fags, and shisha (water pipe) We knew they did this to make you buy but at least we did want to get something and it was ok then. I think they were over excited cos we lived in London (ie we 'have money') That is why they ask you all the time in the street where you are from, if you say Russia, they stop it cos they know Russians never have money or buy any souvenirs (moe on that later) ... People also asked us if we were Arabs cos we do look it a bit, and replying in Arabic got them off guard.:)  So second shop Andreu got his Arab Sultan outfit. My handsome prince:) 
Endless cups of tea, shisha, and arabic songs laer, we were out annd had been invited to a party. Din't go.

DAY 3 . REAL FUN!!!! We bought a safari ticket, a ticket to great fun and freedom! Got picked up at 11.30, the van collected some more people, all Russians who could not come to terms with people saying hello. There went our their chance to make friends. Whta can I say? Had to cover our faces and all as it's quite windy and well, sandy. We rode quad bikes on teh Arabic desert, had never felt so free in my life, never thought I could do that and I did so I feel quite accomplished. The feeling truly is awesome!! I was speeding to hehe. Now I know why I should NEVER learn to drive. Me behind a wheel= danger! :)  We bith had a great time although they separated men and women so I never saw Andreu riding the bike til the end of the one-hour long bumpy ride.

After that we were able to ride a camel but I thought the poor things had had enough so I didn't want to add to their missery. My vegan self did not like the idea. Then we got to see a Beduin woman making a wee pancake thing, like a Mexican tortilla, but that is all the interaction we had with the Beduins which was rather disappointing for me but hey!

Then more speedy fun in the shape of GO KARTS!!! I didn't drive obviously but Andreu was so happy, like a wee kid:) It was fab!!

Then food, and eening entertainment! We gt a gorgeous bellydancer who achieved the impossible: make a Russian man dance and smile like he was having fun! HORRAY!!! Then she made us all join in which I was just too happy to do. The camera man seemed to have spotted this as we are both in the video a lot:) Then a traditional male dancer. Very handsome. Sadly the Russians could not be bothered an dhe actually stormed off after his dance visibly upset that no one was clapping but us and a few 'polite' poeple! Honestly!!!

Then a snake act which I was not so keen to see so I wandered. The treatment of the animals being in question. Then the Fakir who impressed me by lifting three heavy Russians whilst standing on broken glass. Andreu and I secretely hoping he dropped them to see if they could react to something apart from a buffet!!!

I think that is enough for teh day and I really must be getting oranganized. The rest tomorrow! Need to go to the bank to cancel a direcy debit...Oh yeah...haven't told you about THAT! Oh My life is full of excitment and moe twists than Eastenders and Corrie together!! :) I'll spare your life now:) Have a good day and DO SEND THOSE Good wishes!

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