
Sep 07, 2012 08:52

SO GLAD it's Friday today. No rehearsal tonight! Whee!!! I'm really enjoying Little Women but our director really milks her two hours each night.

Thankfully, my latest edit of The Shakespeare Thing is finished and sent off to Agent Request #2. During my lunch break yesterday I sent off a fresh new batch of queries and got Agent Request #3 less than two hours later!!! I was ecstatic. That brings my total request count up to 2.1 (full.partial).

Tonight's agenda: unpack, CLEAN ALL THE THINGS and make a grocery list.

Tomorrow's agenda: Grocery shopping and weekly food prep, hopefully read Kate's MS and send feedback. Conclude my LotR marathon with my church friends in the evening. Hug my Mom when she gets back from her vacation (not quite sure the time of day on that last one).

Sunday's agenda: Church, reading, relaxing. W00t!

There are two additions to my reading list being released in the coming month: Crown of Embers by Rae Carson and The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. So many great books and only so many hours in which to read them... *sigh*

is the theater really dead?, this is my quest, the shakespeare thing, sometimes i read books too

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