Getting back on track

Jun 16, 2012 14:19

Well, last night was opening night of The Music Man. The show itself was fine, with as many bumbles and "moments" as usual. For me, though it wasn't quite so fun because earlier in the day I got water plugged in my ear and I was half deaf. Not only is this bad if one needs to sing, it also meant that I felt like I was half not there for all the fun. I felt sluggish and dazed, and I have a much stronger sympathy for the hearing impaired.

On the bright side my first attempt at putting a Greek-style "turban" around my hair as the finishing touch to my Greek costume went awesomely. I'm going to try to remember to get a picture of the full costume tonight to show off on my Sister Blog of Cosplay.

On the EVEN BRIGHTER side, now that the show is in production and my life is not consumed with rehearsals, I can turn my energies to writing and sewing again. I've just finished sitting at Starbucks for about an hour and a half, reviewing all the notes and feedback I got from the Great NYC Litmus Test and making some preliminary red-pen tweaks, decisions, and additional notes.

Tomorrow between church and rehearsal I'm finally going to let myself take a block of hours to get cracking on my Red Riding Hood costume again, but starting Monday I'm taking at least an hour every evening to devote to another complete overhaul of The Shakespeare Thing, this time with particular emphasis on the technical side of the theater world (including checking compliance with the theater floor plan that I FINALLY completed the week leading up to NYC).

Whatever I don't get through Mon-Thurs I will sit down and finish on Saturday. BEFORE I'm allowed to watch Korra or go see Brave.

I'm determined to be a professional at this writing thing some day. Trying to start treating it like a real job, which means prioritizing, even on a beautiful sunny day like today, or when there's new Korra...

... Starbucks is now playing "These Boots Are Made for Walking" in French. It made me stop and blink a lot...

Happy Saturday, all!

is the theater really dead?, the shakespeare thing, for when i need a coffee shop

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