Hellloooooo 2012!!!
Okay, my New Year's weekend was peaceful and productive. I played a lot of games, took a lot of naps, and made my usual preparations to completely revitalize the way I manage my life, in the faint hope of becoming a super-organized, tidy, uber-productive person. It usually unravels quickly, but I apparently my faith in my life-management skills is much like the faith of Cubs fans: There's always next year! I can't ever let go of the dream. ;-)
In any case, I dusted off my "to-do list" app on Hardison and used it to set up some of my writing and costuming goals for the year.
Kick-off post in my Costuming blog for those who are interested in the latter.
As previously established, I have a lot of writing-related work ahead of me that isn't actual word count writing, and I've been pondering the best way to quantify it for the purposes of "5,000 words per week" The tentative measurement I've come up with is 45 minutes per day of editing/prep/research, etc. If I'm really in the zone and all the juices are flowing, I can usually whip out 1,000 words of raw WIP in half an hour, but most days I've got a steady stream instead of a torrent, so rounding up to 45 minutes seems appropriate.
I have a short list of "tasks" to do for the Shakespeare Thing to take it to the next level-- things like (1) reviewing the file against feedback from my test readers, (2) writing out background world-building details that don't necessarily need to be in the story but I need to know them for continuity, (3) making a rough floor plan of the theater so that I can make sure my characters aren't defying the laws of physics as they run around, etc, etc.
This week is a bad week for doing writery stuff, what with the combination of finishing off the holidays, hitting the ground full steam at work, and my brother and cousin's birthdays, respectively. So I will start my weekly word count/ editing time efforts anew next Monday.
As far as my efforts to get published, I've set a goal for the year of collecting 25 rejections (or actually getting an agent, whichever comes first). ;-)