Title: The Most Beautiful Thing
Author: Faith Harris
Summary: Bella's child. In the Apocalypse AU of Edelweiss.
Her baby was a beautiful baby.
The baby's name was Alice, a pretty name. She'd known someone named Alice, once. She wished she could remember who. It was from the life before here before him.
But no. That life was a lie. A pretend, childhood world. She remembered wisps of it fondly, like the vaguest recollection of the taste of ice cream on her tongue. She held her child tightly to her bosom; a childhood world that she would have liked to have shared with her child. Tears fell, dripping on the worn blanket that Alice was wrapped in.
She could not remember what had been so beautiful that it drove her to tears.
She did remember her child, the small little bundle of life and perfection that had come from inside of her. She remembered the cold feel of the floor beneath her as she sat, rocking back and forth gently to keep Alice warm. She remembered, when it was daylight, that sun shone through the window onto her pale skin and...
...and nothing. Nothing happened when the sun hit her skin and that hurt. She didn't remember why.
All her memories were of this place, of this room, and if she tried really hard, she could remember where the door led. it lead to him, and all the things that reminded her of him. She tried to smile. It hurt her face to even attempt to. But even if it hurt, she tried anyway.
It was good to smile for Alice. It was what she was supposed to do. It was what a good mother did for a good, beautiful little girl.
She cuddled Alice closer to her chest. When the sun rose, it would warm her baby's cold body. It would do the one thing that Bella couldn't.