Apr 11, 2013 15:49
For a long time I have been struggling with the notion that I have not been making any progress; neither spiritually nor as a person in general. Then, today, I took the time to go back and read through some of my older entries, mostly those in 2011, and, praise the LORD, I have indeed grown quite a bit!
When reading the older posts, it is clear that I was doing the writing, but at the same time the author seems quite different in comparison to the person that I am now. The LORD has shown me so many things since then, and I have changed so very much. Now that I think of it, I only accepted and gave my life to the LORD in July of 2010, so in 2011 I was basically just an infant in the faith. I guess you could say that I am only a toddler now, but what a difference between baby and toddler there is! Praise the LORD! We always like to complain how the LORD is not doing this or not doing that in our lives, when HE is doing it the whole time and we are just too self-absorbed to notice it...
After seeing all this, I also realized that I really need to go on my profile here and edit some things as well. Basically, I need a fresh start here on LJ. I saw how there is a new version of the "friend's page" here. The regular journals all seem to be the same though. I am usually not too big on change, but perhaps LJ will be sprucing up the main journals a bit too.
My husband is on his way home from work now, so off to the kitchen to make dinner. So glad to be back. LORD willing, I will be fixing up my profile and posting again soon.
random thoughts