That's not incense, bay-be.

Oct 04, 2005 00:15

Viewing number two made me a happy, happy woman.

See? It's really very simple. All I need, is to be spoiled for death. If I am spoiled for death, I will still get angry, but I will not be emotionally crippled. I had to thump my armrest a few times with knuckle-bruising intensity at the critical moment this afternoon, but after that, I was pretty much over it. And I came home and did work like a productive little pauper, instead of collapsing on the bed and crying myself to sleep in Lisa's arms, as happened on Friday.

But back to the ins and outs of viewing number two. First thing to stand out were all the references to pax and Miranda in River's flashbacks as soon as she's triggered. All the "lay down and take a nap, little girl" stuff. So awesome. Hadn't caught that the first time.

Also, I love how she goes barefoot so much.

And I love how she totally would have taken an axe to those Alliance fuckwads, if the assassin hadn't called it off. I mean, she was THIS CLOSE. She woulda died, of course, but STILL. My god. Think River could beat Buffy? Just mayhaps. Wouldn't mind seeing that, truth to say.

Zoe is empty at the end. That kills me.

Kaylee's amazon moment is the best part of the movie, and no one will ever convince me otherwise. I cheered even more loudly today than I did on Friday. HELL WITH THAT! I'M GONNA LIVE! This will sound blunt, but I sincerely hope that she multi-orgasmed with Simon. She damn well deserved that.

And yet, there are still Kaylee/Inara moments in the film. Which I love. THANK YOU, JOSS.

Reavers are fucking scary. I mean, like whoa.

I love that the students who sit in the 1st and 2nd row of the lecture I'm TA-ing for have all already seen it twice. We had to have a whispered Serenity convo this afternoon, and it was fun. Decided on what would make a damn fine post-Serenity t-shirt, with the front saying, "I saw Serenity - thank you, Joss" and the back saying, "I saw Serenity - fuck you, Joss." That's about right.

What the fuck is on Jayne's mug? I couldn't catch it. Laura? Anyone?

Zoe's arms are RIPPED. Geez. And now, the possibility for her/Mal exists for real again. It's interesting - I only thought of that in the penultimate scene when they're standing in the cargo bay. I'm not saying i want them together - I'd rather they didn't. But I could see them fucking out of grief and a need for comfort, and that'd create quite the tension. Of course, I just stole that from heres_luck's reading of Mulder and Scully. heres_luck - thank you, by the way, for that phone call last night. Sorry I was so, y'know, *loud* for most of it. ;) I need to learn to control the volume of my voice. You are patient and wonderful and helped me see reason.

"Glide her in," my muscular left buttock! As K remarked this afternoon, "IT DOESN'T HAVE WINGS!" *HL*

$10,141,000 is a good number. Kickass, Joss. Kickass, Serenity. Here's to you, Wash, I'm gonna have another beer.

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